The note Bella's pov

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Before I left to go to the Volturi I thought it would be nice to tell Charlie I was leaving so leaving. I well leave it on the counter. I got paper and pen and wrote my note to Charlie.

Dear Charlie/dad,

I left and won't come back but don't worry I'll be okay. I'm had to leave because this place brings back to many memories of the Cullens were they left me. I might call, I might not but please don't worry because I'll be fine where ever I am. I love you and I'll miss you so much. You were the best dad ever to me. Don't blame this on you its not your fault I had to leave. I'll leave money for you and there is some of Harry Clearwater famous fish fry in the freezer for you.

Love Bella

There I was done I took out $500 for my father and put it on the note. Now I need to go and pack my things to go to Italy. I took rest of my money and shirt down my account and left for the airport in my truck.

Guys I'm so sorry it so short 

Bella Volturi(Not same) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now