You killed them! (Pt 2 of How could he! Sirius Black imagine)

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It was raining again.
It was raining and he could feel the droplets of water rolling down his face. Licking his lips, he could taste the salt. He was trying to gulp in as much air as he could, squeezing his bright grey eyes shut.
Wiping his hand down his face, Sirius Black looked up and down the street. He couldn't see anyone waiting for him but the heavy rain was dulling the street lights, creating more of a mist than anything else. The once handsome man (mind you he is still handsome but years of rotting in a cell that dose things to you) was staring across the street at a house. To anybody else, it would have been just a simple building. There was nothing extravagant about it. It was the kind of house you'd picture with a white picket fence and a happy family.
And, to Sirius, that was what it was supposed to be. After all of this was over, her was going to move in with her, and everything was going to be okay. They were going to live together, and do all those sappy, sweet domestic couple things. They would have been married, she'd would of been a Healer and him an Auror. Both respectable jobs that would of made them plenty of money to keep them and their kids going. And of course they would of had kids. He'd always wanted some; to prove to himself that he was truly better than his parents and it wasn't just all in his head.
But his idyllic dreams had all gone to shit twelve years ago.
James and Lily were dead. Murdered by Lord Voldemort, who had been assisted by Peter Pettigrew. Who framed Sirius. Sirius' body was vibrating from the rage that he felt. Peter had been one of them, he'd been a Marauder. Then Sirius was thrown in Azkaban for what that rat had done!
And, because of this stupid, fucking rat James and Lily were dead, Y/N was probably married with kids if not she absolutely hated him and Remus probably hated him more. He couldn't just let that go. Screw 'forgive and forget'. Sirius still wanted revenge.

He looked into the house across the street. He looked through the window, and saw her. There she was, after all those years she was still there, here! She had never left, she was walking towards the front door! Sirius was ready to jump into her arms and kiss every part of her face! Then she came outside. Sirius started moving forward, but then stopped. She had two kids with her, seemingly the same age, they looked about eleven or twelve. How could she do this to him! He loves her and she goes off and has kids! That was their plan. Sirius followed them around in dog form and just watched the girl he loves. She suddenly stopped, and looked around. Her eyes landed on the black dog, her eyes widened. She had heard that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban but she never thought her was dumb enough to go to her! She told her twins to go play at the park she walked over too the dog! "Shoo, shoo, GO AWAY!" She said to Sirius. But Sirius just sat down. "You always were stubborn" she said. She then walked as fast as she could to her boy and girl, "Annie, Percy come on we're leaving!" She said grabbing their hands and gently pulling them alone to their house. "But mum, I want to stay!" Whined Annie as she started to cry through her grey eyes. Sirius's eyes. "Aww I'm sorry, it was my fault you had to leave" said Sirius's voice from behind them. Her daughter wiped the tears from her face and looked up at me. She had Y/N's hair but grey sparkling eyes, "why?" She asked clocking her head to the side. "Annabella," Y/N warned. "But mum! We want to play in the puddles" whined the other one. "Perseus Regulus Black! Don't be rude!" She said shooing them inside. "Really Y/N my little brother, where is he then? Mm in the house out at work?" He kept of pushing "you couldn't wait for me? Could you?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" He screamed. "Sirius please leave! Or I will be forced to hand you over to Azkaban." Y/N pleaded, "Sirius please" She said. "Y/N/N (you're nick name) I love you." He pleaded "YOU KILLED THEM! ALL THREE OF THEM! YOU SOLD JAMES AND LILY TO VOLDEMORT AND THEN YOU KILLED PETER! Sweet little Peter, he was you're friend Sirius! YOU'R FRIEND! Just leave." Y/N yelled, "Y/N please, don't do this without knowing my side of the story." He said sadly looking at you with his grey eyes, "I'm not having any of it Sirius, and I most certainly won't have any of your lies! Now. Leave." She said "Y/N, just listen to me dammit! Please I didn't kill him, use Veritaserum on me if you must! Just please let me fix this! Even if you have kids to another man, I still love you!" Sirius said, "Sirius just leave" she said tiredly, pushing him away. "No I can't just leave" he said, Sirius looked into her eyes he nodded "if that's what you want then I will leave" he said turning around. As he started to walk he dropped a little vile on the ground, then he disappeared into the rainy mist. Y/N walked up to the vile and bent down, 'Veritaserum' it read. He had drunken it, "THEIR YOURS!" She yelled into the rain "PERCY AND ANNIE! THEY ARE YOUR KIDS!" She yelled crying. She fell to the ground in sobs, "their yours" she said. Y/N was then tackled to the ground by Sirius, him hugging her body. "Really?" He asked as tears ran down his face Y/N nodded "yeah" she said as she placed her hands on his cheeks and pulled him in to a kiss. They slowly pulled away, and leaned their foreheads on one another's. Then she slapped him. "That was for telling to truth, and that was for going off to kill Peter!" She said hugging Sirius close to her. "I love you Sirius Black." She said hugging him closer, "I love you too so much Y/N Y/L/N" he said pulling apart. "Would you like to come in?" She asked, he nodded and they walked hand in hand inside the house.

Three days later.
Y/N, Sirius, Percy and Annie were all sitting in the lounge room on the lounges watching a muggle movie called 'Beauty and the Beast' Sirius and Y/N were cuddling on on lounge and Percy and Annie were sitting next to each other on the other,
"I love you guys so much, I'm sorry I couldn't be here" said Sirius kissing the side of Y/N's head.
"That's ok daddy" smiled Annie as she came and sat in Sirius's lap. "It's fine dad" said Percy as he came and sat in Y/N's lap. "What's tomorrow?" Asked Sirius. "September 30th Siri" said Y/N looking at him. "Ok" he said looking at the twins, "I think it's time for the little ones to go to bed!" He said gently tickling Annie's sides. "Ok daddy" said the twins getting down and walking to their room. "BRUSH YOUR TEETH" Y/N yelled up the stairs. "YES MUM!" They yelled back.
"Well they are our kids" chuckled Sirius snuggling closer to her.
"I love you" they both said together and they never meant it more. 

Ok that was definitely #FEELS!

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