I crouched down and picked up the cup only for my mint frozen treat to ooze out, “And there was so much left!” I groaned. I stood back up with the empty cup in my hand.

“I’m sorry” he laughed. We both stood looking at the empty cup in my hands.

“Ugh… I was enjoying it too” I complained.

I sighed as I threw away the cup and walked back over to Luke, “Aren’t you going to throw away the spoon?” he asked as we continued walking.

“No, it’s going to be a reminder of what was a delicious, minty treat that I should never take advantage of” he chuckled once more before shoving his cup towards me.

“We can share” he smiled.

I shook my head pushing away his hand “No, sharing classifies as a date” I told him.

“Okay, fine… I’ll look away and you take a bit” he turned his head towards the road and pushing the cup towards me once again. I laughed before taking a scoop.

“What? You actually did it!” he laughed once more before looking into the cup, “I said take a bit not half the cup…” I rolled my eyes as my eyes averted towards a graffiti wall. I froze looking at the street art, taking me by surprise by how well it was done.

“What is it?” he asked.

I turned and grabbed his forearm pulling him before I began to run over to the wall. I stood and looked at the large concrete canvas plastered in masterpieces overlapping, words in different colours being interpreted into different things and simple tags for street gangs around here. I found myself captivated by how the moonlight hit the wall, it made some of the paint shine like neon lights sparking inspiration for a new design.

“You can’t just run off like that around here” I heard Luke say from beside me. I replaced my hand on his forearm and tugged him closer to the wall.

“Look at it…” I told him, “It’s magnificent…”

I watched as his gaze turned to the wall, trying to see what I see in the paint splattered wall. “It’s… Ummm…” he began “It’s interesting” his head tilted to the side.

“This is too amazing to not be captured” I moved back to photograph the full wall with my phone when I noticed Luke still trying to see what I see, I held my phone up and realised Luke completed the photo. His dark figure added to the mystery of the street work and added something to my photo, he turned his head slightly and I could see a smile on his face.

His smile. That smile that makes me feel better not matter how tragic it is dropping my favourite ice-cream on the ground and the 5 second rule doesn’t count.

“I’m not going to lie to you, I have no idea what I’m meant to be looking at” he chuckled.

I shook my head as I stood back next to him, “It’s not what I’m meant to make you think. It’s what you think you can see” I told him.

“I see the word ‘ass’ written in neon spray paint” I stifled a laugh before looking to him.

“The words create a picture”

“A picture of ass?” he questioned with a weird look.

I shook my head rolling my eyes once again; I felt his hand run on the inside of my arm causing me to look at him.

“I’m just trying to annoy you now…” he smirked.

“First my ice cream and now my sanity?” I laughed before he took hold of my hand. “You’re not Batman, you’re the Joker” I said.

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