"I'm so sexy, you just want a piece of me, or all of me, depending on how much you want of me" He bit his lip and I couldn't be anymore turned on than I was now. I hate how he does that to me.

"Yeah that's why" I rolled my eyes and stepped aside for him to walk in. He stepped in as I closed the door behind him. "Where did you park your car?" I asked out of curiosity

"Around the corner, like usual. Why?"

"Just making sure you didn't park in the drive way. If my parents saw your car, I'd be dead in an instant." He laughed but grabbed my hands

"Where's my hug like you said?" He said looking down at me with glossy eyes. I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his neck. As if on cue, he wrapped his arms tight around my waist and gave me such a warm embrace. It was hugs like this that brought me a feeling of such safety and comfort. I could literally live in his arms if he let me. I tried to pull away but he only held me tighter.

"You got your hug. You can let me go now." I said in between soft laughs

"I'm not done. You broke my heart by not marrying me" He growled huskily in my ear, that sent chills running down my spine. I've never him growl like that before, but I really did like it.

He pulled away slightly and looked me directly in my eyes. His hazel eyes only drew me into him more. He took one of his hands off my waist and implanted it under my chin. He brought his face closer to mine till once again our lips met. At first he gave me these small taunting kisses that only irritated me but he soon caught on to my irritation and calmed it by giving me a deep kiss that once again made me melt. A kiss from him made me forget about everything, and this was every time he kissed me.

This time he did something different. He picked me up and motioned for me to wrap my legs around him. Without even second guessing it, I did exactly as he motioned for me to do. I felt him start to walk up the stairs but I didn't even care, I only care for those lips of his. He was slightly more aggressive than he usually was and I was just as aggressive if not more than him. I dug my nails into his soft little tight curls scraping down the back of his neck to the top of his shoulders, making him moan softly against my lips. I let out a slight giggle before feeling the blankets under me.

He was hovering over me with each of his hands supporting him on either side of me. I felt his breathing pick up and I could feel his heart pulsating. He finally pulled my bottom lip as he pulled away to take a deep breath. My room was filled with the sound of our heavy breathing. He brought his mouth down to my ear.

"Kira, you don't know how bad I want you right this second." He said in between breaths. I liked hearing his voice struggle in between desperate grasps for air but I was stopped dead short in all my thoughts. I didn't know what to say to that, it was like my brain was taken over by his lust and was paralyzed. My brain was screaming, 'You know you want him too, just do it' but my gut was saying 'Don't do it, that's a terrible idea' I was torn by two feelings.

"I want you too Joey, but-"

"But what?" He said as he began to plant soft kisses along my neck. I was trying to hold in my moans but was failing terribly. I could feel him leaving hickies all along my neck and along the top of my chest.

"Joooeyyy" I said trailing out his name. I felt that infamous smirk of his appear on his face. "Stooop," He stopped instantly and looked down at me with eyes I've never seen before. They were filled with so much lust, he looked like a completely different person. They had this wild look to them that just overwhelmed me with suspicions of what he was capable of doing.

"What's wrong?" He asked without breaking eye contact

"I want you, but I'm not ready for you." I said looking away. My guilty conscious wouldn't have never let it go if I actually went through with sleeping with Joey.

Too Much Too SoonWhere stories live. Discover now