Chapter I

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When we moved to the big apple it was like we were a part of the Witness Protection Program because my mom had us isolated ourselves for a couple of days, my sister locked in her room sulking, my brother playing video games and teasing me and myself reading fashion mags in the bathroom and playing dress up with mom's clothes. Time went by and our life changed drastically. My sister was now dating, I had come out to my best friend and my brother was in jail.

My mom came home one afternoon and told us that her boss would be over for dinner and she had important news to tell us. Shockingly, she told us she was pregnant and that her boss was the going to be our new daddy. I accepted because he was very handsome and so did my sister.

Soon enough the thoughts of coming out had been cemented in my mind and I had planned to make my coming out speech that Friday evening at dinner. My stepdad was over taking care of mom before his shift and we ordered Chinese for dinner. We ate in silence for what seemed like eternity when I blurted out "I'm gay!!!" I heard forks falling on plates, I saw eyes pop open and I saw mouths becoming wider than a vagina being forced open during birth. Olivia (my sister) was just being a bitch because I had ruin her opportunity to ask mom (Christine) if she could go to the lake with her boyfriend (Tyler) and a few friends. Luke (my stepdad) was looking at my mom for her words to be formed while my mom had this look of disbelief and shame in her eyes. No one spoke for the next five (5) minutes and as I was about to speak my mom said "Olivia, take Raven (my younger sister) to the living room while we talk to Dylan". She exited the room and my mom's face turned to anger. "How dare you to be a fag", she bellowed. "Who gave you the right to be a homosexual?" she asked. As she walked by she slapped me across my face and muttered some colorful words.

I sat there in shame. As the tears streamed down my face and her words rang through my brain I couldn't help but cry just a little harder. Luke was now gone and everyone was doing whatever they pleased but still, I remained at that table with streams of tears rolling down my cheeks and her hateful words ringing in my ears. I took bravery and looked at the clock which read "8:30 P.M." this means I had been crying for all of 2 hours. I dragged myself to my room where I cried myself to sleep. I locked myself away for the weekend and avoided everyone including friends. I couldn't deal with any more ridicule, so I stayed to myself. Dozens of ignored phone calls and facetime, unread sms messages, instagram dms, facebook and twitter tags and even a few emails from worried friends and classmates. It was a pity I wasn't dating anymore because my boyfriend would probably dump me for ignoring him all that time.

It was now Monday and I had to come out of my hiding place and face the music. I showered, got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Christine (I'm now calling my mom by her first name) was busy tending to little Raven and Olivia was busy drinking orange juice and texting. I made a peanut butter sandwich with the usual lettuce and tomato and made my way towards the door when I was stopped by Miss Christine Deveroux. "D, I'm so sor..." I walked away and didn't give her a chance to finish that weak ass apology. "Nice mom, how original", I though as I bored the bus to school.


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