Chapter Six NEW

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"So, tell me about yourself," Louis demanded, acting as if we were two strangers having dinner together. He rested his chin on top if his hands childishly and watched me glare at him.

"Love, be nice and answer the lad please," Harry said and I turned around to see him walking over with a two plates of breakfast in hand. He set one down in front of me and then took a seat to my right and began to eat his own plate of breakfast.

I slowly pushed mine to the side before looking back down at my hands in my lap, refusing to eat anything from them. My stomach grumbled softly, but I knew that I could eat as much as I want when I escape this place.

"Why aren't you eating?" Louis questioned and I looked up to find both him and Harry watching me wearily. Oh, I don't know! Maybe it's because I'm stuck in a flat full of murderers and they want me to eat something that probably is poisoned!

I shrugged, refusing to say a word to them. Maybe they'll get sick of me and let me go. Upon looking back up at the table, I found Harry slowly pulling the plate back towards me. I glared at him, but he just smiled back before giving a fork to me.

Ignoring him, I set the fork back down on the table and pushed the plate away. He sighed before pulling the plate back towards me and handing me the fork again, "You're going to sit here until you eat your meal. We have all day, so please take your time."

Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest and examined the flooring. A silence hung in the room and I could feel the two of them watching me.

After about fifteen minutes of silence, Harry stood up and took his now empty plate to the sink and started to wash it.

"I'll be right back. Don't have too much fun without me," Louis chuckled before standing up and walking out of the room cheerfully. I watched after him glumly. He's free to come and go as he pleases and I hope that he feels grateful for that.

Quickly glancing at Harry, I found that his back was turned to me yet again. A smirk spread across my face as I quietly stood up, careful to not let my chair make a sound.

I silently crept across the kitchen, looking back at Harry every few steps. When I finally made it to the doorway, I let out a sigh of relief before starting to take a step out of the room.

"Nope," Harry chuckled darkly from behind me, making me gasp and spin around. He was only a step away from me, his hands on hips and an unamused expression on his face.

I stared at him, refusing to move. I don't care, he can try to hurt me for all I care! When I get out of here I will get the police to find these boys and send them to jail for as long as possible. Let me tell you, that will be the happiest day of my life.

"Go sit back down. Now," he commanded slowly, as if I couldn't understand him. I continued to stare at him, my face expressionless.

He shifted his weight onto one leg and crossed his arms, watching me with his eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and frustration.

"Um, what's going on in here...?" I heard Liam ask from behind me. I flinched, but quickly composed myself and kept staring at Harry. He stared back, refusing to look over at Liam.

Harry continued staring down at me, his eyes narrowed slightly through the few curls that were hanging in front of them. My hands started to shake slightly out of fear as I realized how close he was to me, his breaths brushing across my face. His lips were pressed into a thin line as he stood still; not answering Liam who I could tell was standing right behind me, in the hall.

"I don't know, but it seems as though Nicolette isn't obeying orders like she should be," Harry answered in a low voice, watching my jaw drop.

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked in shock, wringing my hands nervously as Liam stepped around me and went to stand next to Harry.

"Well, while you were asleep, I went to get you some stuff from your house and I found some papers. The papers in your house either have Brielle's name on them or yours, which so happens to be Nicolette," he answered smartly, happy to see me so uncomfortable. A slight smirk appeared on his face, making my blood boil.

"You were in my house again?" I seethed, clenching my fists tightly. How dare he!? Now I know for sure that I won't be able to go back there when I escape...

"Yes I was, now sit down and eat your breakfast please," he commanded cockily as I glared at him.

"No!" I retorted and both their jaws dropped. Harry took a step forward, hands on his hips as he looked down at me. Liam grabbed his arm, pulling him back slightly.

"Love, we are trying to be nice and keep you safe, but you're making it awfully hard to do so. Please just sit down and eat," Liam pleaded after glaring at Harry who was still fuming.

"Keep me safe? You're the ones who murdered my best friend!" I cried out and Liam's eyes softened a bit as he took a step forward, his hand reaching for me. I flinched and took a step back.

"We really don't want to hurt you, but you saw something that you shouldn't have seen and we can't let you go," he explained sadly as he slowly inched his way towards me.

"Just let me go already! I won't tell anyone, I promise!" I told him earnestly, hoping that this would work.

"No! We know that you will go get the police as soon as you get out of here. We don't want anyone else to get hurt, so just cooperate, alright?" Harry interrupted his green eyes full of anger. I took a step back in fear, cautiously watching the two of them.

I need to get out of here. And I will, if it's the last thing that I do. You have my word on that.


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~T.Rysnna 9.11.13 (Nov. 9th)

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