Chapter 1

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Chae YoonMin is a girl who tries hard to find an academy where she can rise to fame. As she walks and passed many buildings,she saw a sign in front of the academy gate.

"(Sigh,Its been 3 weeks and I still can't find an academy where I can rise to fame. Hmm?)" I saw a sign in front of the academy gate. I read it. "It says,dear people who found this sign,if you want to get better at things or want to rise to fame,you can take a test here and if you got accepted here,these boys will help you rise to fame. They will share their skills to you IF you got accepted. Note: only one person can be accepted here. So good luck! Hmm... I'm sure I'll not pass here,but I'll try their test. Still I'm sure many girls will come here and do their best to get accepted because of these boys,but nah,its none of my business. I should take a review so maybe there's a chance that I'm gonna pass." I said as I take my leave and headed home.

At home.

"Dear! Go down now and we'll eat!" My mom said at the kitchen.

''Be right there!" I responded back to her with a loud voice. I closed the book that I'm reading,I crawled down to m bed and got out from my room as I headed to the kitchen.

"Dear,please help me prepare the table." My mom said.

"Sure thing. By the way where is appa and oppa?" I asked my mother.

"Your appa is still at work,he's going home later as for your oppa,he went out and played a soccer." Mom answered.

"I see. By the way eomma,there is an academy that I'm gonna try to get accepted." I said to my mom.

"Another academy again? You sure not giving up to your dream,do you?" My mom said.

"Of course,its my dream after all,I promise that I'll successfully rise to fame." I said.

"If you're that positive about it,I'm not gonna stop you,but please take care of yourself too you bookworm." My mom said.

"Yeah, right." I said shrugging it off.

Few days passed and now Yoon Min is currently on her test on that academy. They're test was about music and physical exercises. The teachers are testing them one by one and Yoon Min always pass those tests. After the test,all the teachers said that they will know the results after two weeks,if there is not a call from them it means they are not the one who passed,but if that one person received a call from them,that person passed. After announcing that,all examiners went home and waited for their results as for Yoon Min who is still studying and reading some books. Two weeks passed and Yoon Min's phone rang. At first she didn't knew that it was from that academy so she answered it with a curious expression.

"Hello?" Yoon Min said through the phone.

"Annyeong~ is this Yoon Min that is an examiner too?" A cheerful voice asked Yoon Min.

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