Something About

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Seventy-nine dollars . It was all the pawnshop could give her in exchange for her 20-karat golden ring. That amount wasn't enough to cover the expenses they had-- the things to buy for the house and bills-- especially bills. But it was a take it or leave it situation so Sally took the chance. Besides she was quite glad that the totem of her failed marriage was gone.

Job hunting hadn't been successful for days. There wasn't really much job vacancies in town, except for the constant hiring of dancers and waitresses in the town's nightclub which was never her option. It was either she go to Luna Mesa despite her father's warning to never set foot on that diner (they once co-owned), though she was sure Walter would help her OR she could just keep on selling or pawning more of her possessions to get her family by.

The grocer's was the first place Sally had gone to after getting the money from her ring. She walked into every aisle, putting inside the cart the most necessary items like milk, bread, cheese, vegetables, some canned food, Will's essentials and his ever-favorite Honey Stars . She pushed her cart towards the counter and stood behind the man in a black wifebeater and camouflage pants. She paid her items and left the store carrying two large paper bags. Before she even let one of the bags drop, someone had already held them both for her.

The man in the black wifebeater. Mac.

"Lemme help before you hurt yourself." Mac said and he went to carry everything she bought straight to his truck.

Sally got to thank him once they were seated and about to go. "You're very kind Mac. It's like you're always there whenever I needed assistance, so thank you," she told him.

"You ain't seen the last of me girl," Mac said as he turned the ignition on and started driving. "What have you been up to? Besides food shopping of course."

"I've been looking for a job."

"Found one?"

"Not yet. But I might be lucky tomorrow." Sally said, putting on a smile. Keep telling that to yourself, says her innerself.

Mac only nodded as a response and had become quiet since then. Sally found it hard to start a new conversation so she stayed quiet as well. When they arrived at the Jones residence, they saw her father and William were sitting on the rocking chair in the porch, waiting for her.

Sally thanked Mac and before leaving the truck she handed him fifty bucks. "I know you're not done with the car yet and you haven't told me how much it would cost, but I want to start paying you... And I'm sorry that's all I've got for now."

"Well then, you best spend the money on you and your baby," Mac smiled as he told her. Sally reluctantly put the money back to her purse. "I've already made up my mind on the payment I want."

She felt her nerves recoil at his words uttered with a husky tune. She was aware of Mac's reputation with women. "W-What is it you want, Mac?"

"Dinner with me?"

Sally made a slow nod. "Yes. I'll have dinner with you."

"I'll pick you up at five."

Mac drove off and Sally waved at her little boy who started bouncing on his grandpa's lap.

"Mam! Mamah!"

"Come on let's go inside baby! Mama's got you something!"

"What were you doing with Mac?" Charlie asked his daughter who was busy putting away the groceries.

"Mac was just being nice, Daddy." Sally stacked the cans of hash and beans in the cupboard. "We were at the store and he offered to take me home."

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