1: Chicken Dance and Disco Balls

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Dedicated to @MissLady1111 For the support, and God, I love your weird dream. *winks*

Age 4: First day of school.

"Mommy!" the little girl with pigtails secured by a pink bow on each side, squealed.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" her mother kneeled in front of her and asked in a soft voice. She pulled out a camera and started recording this to add it to her book of memories.

"Fun!" she pumped her small fist, excitedly in the air and her mother chuckled.

"Really? Wow. What did you do, Allie? And honey, where's your bag?" her mother questioned.

"Connor bringing it, mommy." she said to her mom before looking around, tapping her index finger on her chin and thoughtfully thinking as to where her funny friend disappeared to. "There he is!" she pointed a finger across the school playground.

A little boy with shiny golden brown hair walked towards them with 2 bags on his shoulders. He slumped a little, carrying the heavy weight on his shoulders but his smile never wavered for Allie.

Connor reached them and gave the bag to Allie, puffing out his chest, trying to act like a man. The little girl chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"They're so adorable. Aren't they, love?" A man stepped into the frame but his face could not be seen. All that could be seen were his shoes. The leather shoes that were custom made with their own signature on them.


Present Age: 17

Allison P.O.V

I run through the woods, panting and wiping the sweat off my forehead simultaneously.

Shit, he's nearing me.

Someone please, help me!

I grabbed an imaginery spatula and tried to swat at him. The big fat chicken still chased me with his annoyingly chicken like noise.

'Get away from me' I screamed.
We both came to a halt in an open field.

'Chick Chick Chick Chick...chickeennnn' he flapped his wings, giving me a fright.

Hold on a minute. Wasn't that supposed to be 'pak pak pak pak pak pak pakaooo'?

This chicken couldn't even get his lines straight. I huffed.

I tightened my amour around myself and gripped my shield tightly. I glared at him.

'Bring it on!' I let out a battle cry.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the chicken broke into a hip hop dance with sunglasses and a disco ball appeared above him.

I made a face.

'Uh..This is wierd.' I said, confused.

"Kukudoo koo...kukudoo koo..kukudoo koo" he started bobbing his head to the beat of the song. And honestly, the beat was kind of irresistable.

I jolt awake from this horrible dream with the shrill ring of the alarm tone blasting in my ear. I wiped off the sweat dripping on my forehead and slammed the button on my alarm clock a little to aggresively.

Jeez. Remind me to change that alarm ring. Chicken dance is going to help me get nowhere, especially in the morning.

Seriously, does anyone else dream about chickens and disco balls?

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