First day of everything

Start from the beginning

After I was introduced, I went to my room and sat down not knowing what to do. I didn't exactly have anything to spend my time and I didn't feel like watching tv, so I started looking around in my room and actually found a drawing notebook and a pencil and decided to draw. I just didn't feel like sleeping.
My feelings were way overwhelming that I decided to draw how I was feeling. I ended up drawing a shy girl sitting by herself at the lunch table at school and before you know it, it was morning. Huh the night went fast.

Soon there was someone knocking on my door. I got up to open it and there stood Brandon.
"Hey, mom told me to take you around the town", I didn't feel like going and went to decline his offer but he was fast and caught my hand. The next thing I knew was that I was heading out of the front door and towards the town. He showed me some restaurant, cafés, little stores, the beach and the school which was on the beach. I thought that was pretty cool.

When we got home, Amy took me to the mall so we can shop for clothes; she had to stay next to me because I was known for shoplifting.
Amy didn't care what kind of clothes I wore. Like hell I could wear a freaking shirt that went up to my boobs and shorts that barely fit me and she wouldn't give a damn. But I don't dress like a slut. I bought lots of skinny jeans, leggings, a couple pairs of converse and some shirts.
She tried to lure me into buying some make up but I didn't wear any. I think she wanted to buy me some because you know I'm not that attractive.

After a couple hours of shopping, we went back to the house. I took the bags that had my clothes and went upstairs. While I was dumping my clothes on the bed, I felt someone standing behind me. I hadn't noticed her following me.
"Um hey Amy, something wrong?" I asked her not knowing what she's doing here.
"I wanted to give you something before you start school in a couple days", she handed me an Iphone. Well I didn't see that coming.
"Thank you, but you really didn't have to buy me a phone", I was actually happy now that I had something to take my mind off somewhere.
"It's really nothing, I inserted the boys numbers and they all have yours along with mine and Henry's", she handed me the phone and left when I thanked her again.
Soon I was setting up my phone, putting on Pandora and blasting the music while I put my clothes in the closet. When I was done, I took the drawing book and completed the drawing I did yesterday. Then I was interrupted, again. This time Liam was knocking on my door. I wonder what he wants.
"I heard your music all the way in my room" he said once he entered my room. I kinda felt sorry for disturbing him and went to turn it down.
"Sorry" I mumbled shyly. He took a minute listening to the song.
"It's ok, it seems that you have an awesome taste in music. What song is this?"
"It's feel love by Hoodie Allen ... which you probably don't know who that is", I added once I took a look at his facial expression, "A lot of people don't".
"You're right, I have never heard of him, guess I'm one of those" he answered me then continued to question me, "Who were you listening to earlier?"
"Ummm probably Nirvana, Fall Out Boys, Ed Sheeran or Blink 182" I answered him. He was impressed; at least that's what I thought.
"See now those are some kick ass bands" he answered enthusiastically.
"Thanks, I guess", I said as I went to sit on my bed. Not gonna stand by the door all the time, might as well let him in. I think he was checking my room as he walked in because the next I knew he was asking me about my drawing.
"You draw?" he asked me while picking up the drawing book, "You drew this?"
"Yes and Yes, why?" I was slightly curious but so was he.
"This is amazing! Any other hidden talents keeping at bay?"
"Thanks. Umm I can play a little guitar" I answered him truthfully.
"Do we have a singer here?"
"No you don't". That came out almost immediately, nervous much!
"Oh ok, well I'll leave you alone now", and with that he left. I shut the door and turned up the music a little bit louder.
Around 7 I got bored, so I turned off the music and started watching tv but came to a halt as I remembered that I should lock the door. Don't want the boys coming in at the wrong moment, and there are 6 of them. Well, might as well change and get comfy. After pulling on a pair of black leggings and a baggy shirt, I headed towards my bed and snuggled to the bed sheets while watching some movies. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

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