Mistake Part 4

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You were laying in bed later that day thinking about what Sam and Dean had been saying. You didn't know why but lately you have been feeling like you where missing something. You stared at the ceiling until you drifted off. The next morning you called Sam and asked him to meet you at the same diner so that you could come up with a plan before heading out to the cabins in the woods to find the vampire nests. You got to the diner and Sam was there but his jerk of a brother was with him.

"Do you guys... like... go everywhere with each other?" You asked sitting in the chair directly across from them.

"Uh.. well we are really close. I mean, growing up in the hunter's lifestyle wasn't exactly easy and we basically only had each other." Dean said sheepishly rubbing his neck instantly making you regret your choice in an ice breaker.

"Anyway, how have you been, Y/N?" Sam said changing the subject.

"I'm good, why?"

"No reason. So about the case..." Sam and you did most of the talking while Dean said a few comments here and there an you noticed him staring at you every once and a while. He kept inspecting you like he was trying to find something on you. After planning out your attack plans you and the boys headed out.

"Don't you want to ride with us... you know to make it more of a surprise." Dean said as though you were doing something out of the ordinary.

"Ya, sure. Even though I technically just met you." You jumped in the back seat with a sense of a familiar feeling. Talking to Dean you felt at home but you also felt like you couldn't trust him... almost the way you felt with your ex.

"Aaahhh!!" You said crouching down in a major headache like the one the day before with Sam.

"Y/N, you ok?"

"Just Peachy" you snapped back at Dean unsure of what was happening. You had another one of those weird flashbacks again.


It was Christmas time and it was snowing outside of the impala looking like white streaks. Dean was driving and Sam was next to him on his computer. You were in the backseat wrapping presents for them trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Don't look!" you yelled trying to hid what you were doing by practically laying on it.

"I don't get why you are making this such a big deal. We are going to see it no matter what."

"Dude, I get that you don't celebrate Christmas that much but there is this thing called Christmas spirit and it is what keeps everyone happy during the holiday. It is kind of infectious so, watch out." you joked.

Dean looked at you through the rear view mirror with amazement without you noticing. You were so excited to give them these gifts, they were sweet. For Dean, you got a key chain with a mini toy '67 impala on the end and a silver devils trap and gun going down the chain. For Sam you got him an electric razor.

Once you got to the motel you gave them your sloppily wrapped presents with a huge grin. They unwrapped them unknowing what to expect.

"Awesome. I think that this key chain is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Thank you, Y/N.' Dean said and it made your heart flutter.

"A razor?" Sam looked confused.

"Ya, I thought I would help you out with that hair." You laughed. Dean laughed historically.

"Finally someone gives him a gift he needs." Even Sam couldn't help but laugh. All three of you were laughing and giving smart arse responses. The night went on pretty much the same as you and the boys chatted over eggnog filled with plenty of "hunter's helper"


You woke up and it was night time as last thing you remember it was still sunset. You sat up with a groan because your head was pounding. You were still in the car, on the road with the boys.

"What happened?" you asked still groggy.

"You had one of those head aches again and then passed out. I guess it was from exhaustion." Sam said looking at you worried.

"Ya that is probably it. But it has never happened before."

It got really quiet and you looked around and spotted the key chain dangling from the ignition.

"You still have that old key chain I gave you, Dean?"

"Ya, of coarse I do wh-wait. you remember that?" He looked over in shock.

"Um ya. Kind of. It is kind of foggy like a dream." You have no idea what was going on. One minute you swore up and down you had no idea who these men were and the next you could remember two encounters with them. It didn't matter because you had to work on the case.

You, Sam, and Dean jumped out of the car and snuck inside the cabin. Not long after, it was a blood bath. You got thrown a couple times and had a few close calls but if you were struggling a little too much, Dean came to decapitate the scum bag. Same went with Dean struggling. This nest was a little bit bigger than you were used to. You were glad to have the two brothers by your side. The last vampire screamed "You wont be able to finish us all the next time, Winchesters!"

"Shut up" Dean said as he beheaded the last blood sucker.

"Wait, you two are Winchesters?" You asked as you turned pale.

"Ya why?" they said simultaneously.

"And do you happen to know an angel?"

"His name is Cas." Dean said as he stepped closer in question.

"THEN THE DEMON WAS TELLING THE TRUTH?! ANGELS EXIST!!!" you said frightened. The boys didn't know how to respond. The memories all started to come back and you blacked out falling to the floor but Dean manages to catch you in time.

"Cas! We need you!" Dean pleaded holding you looking at how vulnerable you looked. You needed him and he just kicked you to the side. He felt this deep panic wondering if you were ever going to remember him.

"Hello, Dean." Cas said behind him.

"Y/N lost her memory and then when she found out angels were real she just dropped." Dean spoke holding back the tears that began to seep through.

"Oh, no. I warned her of this" Cas said to himself stupidly.

"What? What do you mean you warned her?" Dean looked at Cas like a traitor.

"I can't help her, Dean. About a year ago she had me erase her memory of us and I told her if she ran into any one of you that it would be consequential."

"What? How could you do this?" Sam said abruptly.

"I put up a wall, a lot like Sam when he got his soul back and now it is gone. There is nothing I can do" he says as he disappears.

"Cas! Cas! CAAS!" Sam begged.

Dean was very hurt because he hurt you so much you had to runaway with no memory. He hated himself. Tears welled in his eyes as he now stood above your dying body. Any words he managed to get out eventually faded away to a whisper.

"Son of a Bitch"


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