Mistake Part 2

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It has been about a year since you found out that no one has seen you for five years and you still don't understand why. In the meantime you have hunted and killed a great amount of monsters this past year. You where like this killing machine ever since things started to feel strange.

Though you have always hunted alone you couldn't shake this feeling that you were supposed to be with someone or something is missing. You also had some very odd dreams that always had these two men in them that you have never met but yet you really felt that you actually knew them. Having that empty feeling only cause you to spend more time at bars, probably mutilating your liver in the process.

One day while working on a simple demon case you got caught off guard and it had gotten yourself kidnapped.

You woke up in a dingy room that looked like the inside of a barn. Obviously your hands were bound around a treelike post in the middle of the room. Suddenly you heard a creak of a door followed by heavy footsteps. This could only mean one thing: a demon was about to torture you for information. The only question was, what did it want to know, since you didn't have any major secrets.

"Y/N, your awake! Now we can get this party going"

"Aw you waited for me? You didn't have to do that."

"Oh but I did because I need some very key information from you."

"Oh, ya? And what would that be?"

"Where are the Winchesters?"

"Who? I don't know who you are talking about." you said but it caused you to be punched in the face.

"You know who I'm talking about. After all you are their new pet along with that angel of yours."

"You must be smoking something because angels aren't real and I don't know who these Winchesters are." but that only cost you a pretty deep cut in the arm along with some hard punches.

Why would a demon be asking about something that isn't real and guys you have never met.

"I have all day, sweetheart."

"Good, because I don't!" you said as you finally break free by rubbing the rope on a rusty nail on the side of the post jumping on the demon stabbing it with a demon killing knife that just turned up a year ago.

After that experience you kind of just forgotten the absurd questions it was talking about.


About A Year Ago At The Bunker

"Any news on Y/N?" Sam asked walking in the door with some take out.

"No, not a thing. She just vanished and she definitely knows how to cover her tracks." Dean said disappointingly. Dean has not stopped looking for you ever since you disappeared a month ago. He has never left the bunker and barely got enough to eat or sleep.

"Have you talked to Cas?"

"Hang on." Dean closes his eyes praying to cas,"Cas, will you PLEASE get your feathery arse down here. It's about Y/N."

With a gust of wind and a flap of wings Cas gazed at the brothers, "Hello, Dean."

"Hey, Cas, can you locate Y/N? She is missing...well, she left and I cant let anything happen to her."

"Y/N has the same warding that you and Sam have. It is impossible for me to locate her unless she prays to me."

"Well, can you let me and Dean know when she prays to you?"

"Of coarse" and with that Cas left just as the way he came.

"Dean, maybe we should just let her go. I mean I miss her just as much as you do but we are not of much hep just sitting on our arses looking for her and getting no result. We should be out there hunting, doing our job. Cas will let us know as soon as he has information about her. At least now we could be doing something useful."

"Your right. We can't just sit around while there are people out there who need our help."



7 Dead Within A Weak, Looks Like Animal Attacks Local authorities were stumped when their seventh dead body turned up this weakened. They believed it to be animal attacks but they are now saying this may have been the workings of a professional cereal killer...

You believed that this was the doings of a vampire nest. So you packed your duffle bag and headed to Pueblo, Colorado where these murders where taking place.

By the time you arrived there had been another killing and you went to check it out with your Fed getup. You flashed your badge to the crime scene investigator.

"Two of your guys just left."

"Ya. I'm going to meet up with them later." you said as you started to worry. They could be real FBI's or they could be other hunters. Either way this was not going to be pleasant because you did not work well with others.

You looked at the body and noticed the bite marks on the neck. This was definitely a vampire bite. You went back to the motel where you were going to stay and did a bit of a history check before going to speak with the mortician at the morgue to verify the same cause of death.

When you arrived at the morgue you noticed this beautiful mint condition '67 impala and you checked it out as you passed by before going in. Man was it a beauty!

You walked in and passed these two very handsome men in suits. One was very tall with unusually long brown hair and the other was shorter with gorgeous green eyes. They almost looked familiar. As you walked by the two had stopped whatever they were chatting about and looked at you with this very odd surprised look. You figured they were very surprised to see someone like you walking in the morgue not morning a lost family member.

Once you walked up to the mortician and flashed your badge he said, "You know that two of your men were just here, right?"

"I know. I'm running a little behind but I still need to look at the bodies to compare notes." So those men in the hallway were the ones at the crime scene.

You examined the other bodies and you noticed the same bite marks on all of them meaning this was definitely a vamp nest.

As soon as you were done you went back to the motel and changed. You decided you wanted to do some research but at a nearby bar to have a few drinks.

It was your fourth glass of Jack Danial's and it was the third drunk you turned down when you decided to call it a night. You packed up, left some cash for your drinks, and left. You were halfway to your car when you noticed someone following you. Instead of leading them to your car you went behind the bar with your hand gun clutched in your jacket.

You disappeared behind the dumpster before you pinned the stalker to the wall with your gun pointed at his head.

"Who are you and what do you want?" You couldn't see the man's face very well because you pinned him in the darkest part of the ally but you thought it was the shorter blonde man with gorgeous green eyes from the morgue.


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