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Hello, I am here to speak with you, let me tell you a story...

The Universe

In the beginning, there was nothing. Nothing existed, they had no form and there was no meaning behind the emptiness in this world. Therefore, there was no beginning and there will be no end. The universe has never come to be, yet it was formed from nothingness. When it was created, spheres of light revolved at the heart of the universe. Now the universe is a cluster of light, its light shines out into the abyss. And yet what purpose does its glory hold? 

The Galaxy

Every sphere of light materializes a sphere of soil. They gather the sand around them, moulding them  into a ball and then solidify them to secure its form. These spheres of soil will then revolve around the spheres of light. It is their heart, their purpose and their source of existence. However, these spheres of soil have neither thought nor will. They have no purpose to exist nor do they have a purpose to not exist. They are redundant and they mean nothing to the universe.

The Planet

One sphere of soil has its own inhabitants. It is a unique sphere, one that has large bodies of water and earth. This makes it blue, and henceforth is dubbed as "The Earth". The inhabitants who occupy this blue sphere call themselves "humans". They have lived for thousands of years on this sphere. They plough the land to grow "food", a source of sustenance for them. They also drink the water that is abundant on the sphere as another source of sustenance, allowing them to prosper and reproduce. The cycle of death and reproduction continues for thousands of years, perhaps until eternity. One shall never understand why the "humans" did what they did. 

The People

Humans are capable of interaction within their own groups. They speak, they scream, they wail, they cry and they laugh. Their faces are always painted with joy, hatred, anger, sorrow, excitement etc. In their groups, the humans co-exist. Some groups are able to create an environment that is conducive for survival while other groups plunder and murder their own companions to survive. When a human is murdered, they enter a phase where they are absent from living, as if they cease to exist. 

The people seek a purpose for their existence. Why am I alive? Who am I? Why am I who I am right now? They question their own being constantly. Throughout the generations, they still do not hold the truth within their palms. They do not understand the weight of this question. If the answer lies in the depths of the sea, then their meager hands are long enough only to scoop up the water on the surface. With no answer to their question, many humans engage in self-mutilation, which often resulting in eternal absence. After discovering their inability to comprehend their existence, they turn to a being called "God". To them, only God can provide for them a purpose to subsist.  Without God, they are nothing, making them wallow in their own self-pity. 

The Conclusion

Hence, the essence of creation and destruction lies at the centre human existence -  their beliefs. They are the ones who have made sense of the things around them, and they are the ones that created tools to continue their survival. But without their God, they will have no motivation to continue to live.

That concludes my story for the day. I am sorry? You wish to know who I am? Well you see...

I am God.


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