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Today was a peculiar day. Normally autumn mornings in Rosedale were, well normal. The same everyday. The sun was usually shining bright and early, not a cloud in the sky, and the corn stalks were golden with a slight crisp, but today was much different. There was no sun this morning and it was raining. Which was practically unheard of in fall, not that it couldn't happen. There was something about the rain though. It was as if crystals were encrusted into each raindrop, and the rain clouds were fluffy and had a pink color to them. Not the ordinary dull grey color of rain clouds. Then there was the corn fields and their stalks. They were brown and crumpled as if some colossal thing grazed over all the fields.
How could such things be happening? When would they stop? Many people in the town of Rosedale were wondering these things, but they kept to themselves. Going about their day as if nothing strange was going on. Except some of the townsfolk were very open about all the anomalous things occurring. This included Mrs. Podistoolin's 2nd hour 8th grade Language Arts class. Mrs. Podistoolin was a middle-aged woman who had brown hair which was slightly greying. She was also a bit plump in the hips and had a knitting obsession.
Once the bell rang and the students were in their seats (they had all been gawking by the window at the transforming colors of the sky; going from violet to beige and olive to crimson.) Mrs. Podistoolin started taking attendance. "Kevin Carl?" she called. Kevin raised his freckled hand. Kevin was very freckly. He had freckles everywhere. Kevin also had curly red hair and was not the sharpest crayon in the box. "Amber Hughes?. . . Here," Mrs. Podistoolin continued taking attendance, "Arthur Jameson? ... Here... Bethany Martin? Fred & Mickey Mcallister? ... Here... Dave Romano? ... Here... Gary Square? Olivia Williams? Here... Seems the only one missing is-"
"Um, Mrs. Podistoolin," said Fred looking wearily at the window.
"Yes, Fred?"
Fred pointed at the window, "Um, there's something falling out of the um sky," The class turned to be see something large hurtling towards them.
"What in the world?" Mrs. Podistoolin said getting out of her chair. The large object came closer and closer as the room became more and more boisterous. "Calm down! Calm down!" Mrs. Podistoolin exclaimed raising her voice.
"WE'RE GONNA DIE! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" yelled Mickey, in his fake spanish accent, running in circles around the room, trying to hold his sombrero on his head. Mickey was short for his age and was always wearing a sombrero so couldn't really see his hair, but from what you could tell his hair was very light brown color, and he had light blue eyes. His brother, Fred, had the same facial features as Mickey, but Fred had medium brown hair and green eyes.
"Everyone calm down! We will be fine! Just get in a straight line and then calmly and quietly leave th-" Mrs. Podistoolin did not finish, the class already bolted out of the room. Mrs. Podistoolin took a quick glance at the object coming closer to her classroom then hightailed out of the room herself. The class was just about out of the front doors of the school when they heard a blaring noise from their classroom, Mrs. Podistoolin was not far behind and yelled, "Keep running!"
"What was that?" asked Amber sprinting next to Fred, her dark brown hair waving in the air behind her.
"Can't- talk- must- keep- run-ning" he breathed half running and stumbling.

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