“Right,” James said. “Well should we get him informed?” he hooked a thumb towards Damien.

            My father clapped his hands together and started walking towards our kitchen. “We should, come on,”

            After everyone was settled around out kitchen table we started to tell Damien what was going on.

            “Basically,” my Father began, “Anna’s ex-boyfriend found us again with in a month of us living here. He is stalking her and sending people after her, leaving notes or breaking into the house. He has people working for him, and we think Damon might be a werewolf or is in contact with them because his men that work for him seemed to be unfazed by us and the guy we caught is human,”

            Taking a breath he continued, “We wanted to see if you could track Damon down or find out of he is one of us so we can stop this once and for all. It’s getting out of hand and James’ life has even been threatened,”

            When my dad was finished our heads turned to Damien who was slowly taking all of this in. “If I see him when I’m tracking he’s dead, no questions asked,” He said after a few minutes. He sighed, “Okay, well I need a scent now,”

            An hour after we had gotten everything settled for Damien to start tracking, him, James and I was seated in the living room with the news humming quietly in the background.

            “Oh, I need to talk to you James. Anna, could you go upstairs?” Damien said.

            “Why?” I asked. James shot me a look and I understood. Damien was going to give him one of those ‘If you hurt my sister I’ll kill you’ talks, even though we’re cousins.

            I huffed. “Fine,” with that I trudged up the steps to my room, going as slow as possible to see if I could hear any of their conversation.

James’ POV

            My gaze followed Anna as she walked slowly up the steps. Can’t she go any slower? I really don’t want to do this talk thing with her cousin. At least I didn’t have to go through it with her dad… I shuddered at the thought.

            Damien turned to me and stared at me and stared at me, probably contemplating what to say. “So,”

            “So…” I echoed uneasily.

            “Hold your right hand up and repeat after me,” I did as he said. “I, James Porter, mate of Annabelle Smith,”

            I sighed. “I, James Porter, mate of Annabelle Smith,”

            “Solemnly swear I will never hurt her,”

            “Solemnly swear I will never hurt her,” I echoed back. As if the thought would ever even cross my mind.

            “Never go against her, will always protect her, defend her, and never let her be hurt in anyway,”

            I repeated his words.

            “I will always be by her side and never leave her,”

            Again, I echoed him.

            “Will love her and cherish her over everything else and will go to any length to make her smile when she is sad. I will never push her to do anything she doesn’t want to do or go behind her back,”

            I repeated him once more. 

            “And finally, I solemnly swear that I will love her forever and if I go against anything I just said I give Damien Johnson the permission to punish me by ripping out the family jewels,”

            “And finally, I solemnly swear that I will love her forever and if I go against anything I just said I… am not saying that last part,” I said. No way.

            Damien laughed. “Okay, fine, but you have to go tell her you said all of that now. It’s either that or you give me permission,”

            I thought for a moment. Do I really want to tell her all of that? There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s not true, because it most definitely is true. That would be really… embarrassing though…

            “Hurry up and make up your mind, already!

            I sucked in a deep breath and stood up. “Fine, I’ll do it,” and I headed towards the stairs and Anna’s room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2011 ⏰

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