Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As I stepped out of the car, and made my way into the office, an old lady greeted me with a warm smile.

"Can I have your name please?" She asked with a broad smile. She had short blonde hair and glasses laid on her nose.

"Allison Dawson." I replied politely. She went inside a room and returned with a handful of papers.

"Here you go. It's everything you need to know." She said while handing it to me.

"Your schedule, teachers, lunch time, etc." She explained. She then told me to come a little closer to her, so no one would hear.

"Be careful." She whispered. I almost laughed at how serious she looked, but something told me she wasn't playing around.

"Oh okay, thank you." I replied walking out of the office and into to the halls. I could feel many pairs of eyes staring my way as I kept walking to my designated locker.

Locker 239

I tried to put my locker combination in but it didn't seem to work. I sighed and started to bang my hand against the locker, hoping to somehow open it.

"C'mon, open you piece of shit." I muttered.

I heard a chuckle come from behind me.

I turned around to find a boy staring at me with an amused expression. I was greeted by the most beautiful guy I have ever seen.

His beautiful hazel eyes and perfectly sturdy jaw was stunning. He was blessed with a amazing muscular body as well as messy, but perfectly chiseled brown hair laid on top of his flawless head.

I realized I was staring at him and quickly recovered from his beautiful face.

I glared at him. "Can I help you?"

He laughed again. "In order for a locker to open, you can't hit it multiple times with your hand." He informed me with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "Thank you captain obvious but if you will excuse me, I need to get this locker opened and head to my classes." I turned back around but before I knew it, he grabbed my paper with the combination on it and opened it for me.

"And that's how you open a locker!" He bowed and smiled.

I clapped sarcastically as I watched him smirk. You could already tell he was the cocky, arrogant player, type of guy. I maybe shouldn't judge so quick, but I mean look at him. He was so attractive and girls probably fell head over heels for him.

"I'm Jared." He opened his hand for me to shake and I shook his hand back.


I put my books into my locker and shut it. I began to walk away but he followed my pace.

"So are you new here?" He asked while snatching my schedule.

"Yes, I am." I replied, taking my schedule away from his grasp.

"Oh, nice, we have chemistry & history together!" He said excitedly. I laughed but continued to walk to my first period, which was chemistry.


The day soon went on, and I had one last class until lunch, which was physical education.


I walked into the gym to find that class had already started. I tried to walk in without getting noticed but the coach glared at me.

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