16 - Christmas time in the city

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What the fuck, Harper?

Holden smiles widely and hugs me, catching me by surprise.

"You're like, the only one on my side," he says.

My breath catches in my throat and I feel a mix of emotions. If I was really on his side wouldn't I tell him that this is a shit idea?

"Anyway," he starts pulling back from our embrace. "I'm hosting an ice skating fundraiser. I rented out Wollman Rink in central park for this Saturday. We're hiking up prices for skates to $2,000 a pair--"

"What?" I ask cutting him off in confusion. "Who's paying $2,000 to rent some skates?"

"I'm inviting millionares and billionaires, not anyone that can't afford it. And my dad knows Trump so I get all the money made off skate rentals during the fundraiser," he says.

"You rented out the entire rink? The super famous one in Central Park from Home Alone 2?" I ask in shock.

He nods with a small smile. "Yes, Harper. That's the one."

"Your dad knows Donald Trump?" I spit out another question like a curious little kid and Holden nods with a grimace.

"Same business," he shrugs.

An alert sounds from Holden's phone and he groans when he picks it up and looks at it.

"Who is it?" I ask in curiousity.

"My dad," he sighs. "I gotta go; he probably wants to scrutinize something surrounding this idea," he says as he stands up to go and and I bite my lip awkwardly.

"I'll see you Saturday, right?" He says hopefully.

"I'm invited?" I ask stupidly.

"Yeah," he says as if it's obvious. "Your whole family is."

I nod in realization that he'd not only want my aunt and uncle there to hopefully invest in his idea, but because he's known them forever and is best friends with Elijah. I always forget the amount of money they have.

"So how much money are we talking?" I ask.

Theres a pause and his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip.

"34 million dollars."


"Thanks for seeing me," Jake says, barely able to look at Lydia. She stays silent, not looking at him either except for a quick glance.

"Lyd, I care about you so much, alright? I know you probably don't believe that anymore, but I do," he sighs. "I know throughout our relationship I wasn't always a great boyfriend and I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I am sorry. And I'm not going to ask to get back together with you. I know that's what you're waiting for, but I'm not doing that to you."

Lydia turns and looks at Jake with confusion and hurt. She did want to be with him, but she didn't. Not after what he did. But she at least wanted to tell him no when he asked.

"I don't want to see you with anyone else, honestly. But I know you'll be happier with someone else than with me, so I'll just have to get over myself. I want you to be with someone that treats you well."

Lydia shakes her head, flabbergasted with what she's hearing.

"Why the hell did you wait until you completely ruined our relationship to deciede to be mature?" She asks with annoyance.

Jake wrinkles his brows, wondering the same thing.

"I guess there's something in the air at Christmas time."

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