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This is a one-shot for Impedimenta's contest for Dim The Lights. It's a Scorpios x Lily fanfiction and it's amazing! :D As her writing for Lily and Scorpios is just outstanding, my writing wouldn't be able to compare to that so I've decided to do one for Paige and James instead :)


I twirled around in front of the mirror and admired myself. It was the night where I would be heading over to the Potter's to celebrate the New Year and I was pretty excited. I wasn't the type to wear dresses but tonight was a special occasion and the dress my mother had given me was beautiful. It was a simple turquoise-coloured dress that hugged my figure perfectly and I had on matching accessories to complete the outfit. My usual uncombed hair had been straightened and a little plait had been done by the side.

Satisfied, I smoothed down my hair one last time and yelled a goodbye to my parents. I turned on the spot and immediately felt the familiar feeling of being suffocated as I apparated to the Potter's house. Opening my eyes, I gave a start to find Hugo grinning at me but immediately threw my arms around him and gave him a huge hug.

"You came!" Hugo exclaimed, returning the hug.

"Of course I did," I winked, looking around. The house looked amazing. Fairy lights had been draped over the trees and were twinkling cheerfully, although they couldn't be compared to the endless stars in the night sky. A beautiful home-made sign with the words 'Happy New Year!' hung above the door and the sound of chatter and music was everywhere. The Weasley's were also there and there was a cheerful atmosphere all around.

"Let me introduce you to my parents," Hugo beamed and dragged me over to the famous Harry Potter himself. "Dad! This is Paige, the girl I was playing chess with at St Mungo's!"

"Hey Paige! It's nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy yourself tonight," Harry, who had been talking to Rosie's dad, turned around and smiled at me.

For once, I was speechless. He was the famous Harry Potter and I had no idea how to address him. Mr Potter? Hugo's dad? Sir? I decided to go with the straightforward approach without mentioning any way of addressing or names. "Thanks for having me here!" I smiled confidently.

He winked at me and turned back to his conversation while I silently breathed a sigh of relief. However, Hugo immediately began to drag me off to introduced the rest of his family. And that was how I spent the next hour making small talk and getting to know them better. While listening to someone from the Weasley side of the family complain about their work, I remember how I got here in the first place. It started after I had ran into Hugo at Diagon Alley.

As we passed by the Magical Menagerie, chattering away, Hugo suddenly turned to me with a goofy grin on his face.

"What? What?" I laughed at his comical expression.

"Why don't you come to our New Year's party that my parents are having? You can finally meet my family!" Hugo exclaimed excitedly, his face practically glowing with happiness at his brainstorm.

I halted abruptly, my mind racing with excitement. To be finally able to meet the famous Harry Potter .. I had nothing to do on that night either. Every New Year's, my parents would cuddle up in front of the TV and have a movie marathon. It was the same every year and I wanted to try something new this New Year's. I was sure it would be fun. Heck, anything would be better than watching my parents act all lovey-dovey.

"I'm in!" I agreed happily.

Finally excusing myself from an aunt of Hugo's, I headed off to the direction of the kitchen, desperate for a drink. After pouring myself some pumpkin juice, I turned around and to my horror, immediately spilled it over someone who had been standing right behind me. Even worse, it was none other than James Potter.

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