Demon Dean? More Like Demon Tyler.

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Tyler awoke that morning to a soft humming noise. It sounded..close. Too close. Almost as if someone was in his apartment.

"No, no. Not this again." Tyler moaned, getting up to inspect whatever could be making the noise. He couldn't find a single fuck to give as he walked over to his bedroom door and swung it open. If it was a robber? They could shoot him for all he cared. A soul-sucking demon? Not. A. Single. Fuck.

All groggy from sleep, the boy called out, "Who dat?" As expected, no one answered, but the humming had gotten quieter. 'Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him', he thought.

Too tired to process anything, the boy collapsed to the floor and slept for a total of three days.


Waking up, Tyler heard another noise. It was new. It sounded like a low rumbling, until it kept getting louder and louder and..wait that's his stomach.

The young man was absolutely ravenous, so he skidaddled to the pantry to look for something he could eat. Surprisingly, he found nothing, just empty boxes and wrappers.

His stomach started to make whale mating calls again, so off to the fridge he was. That is, until he opened the door and saw nothing there, too.

"WHAT THE FUCK WHERE MY FOOD AT?" He screamed. This was a disaster! Tyler needed food, and fast, or he might just eat his bitchy neighbor. Actually, now that he was thinking about it, that didn't seem too bad, especially if he had mustard to.."GAH WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK AM I THINKING!?!" He yelled out in horror.

Tyler tried to ward off the evil thoughts, but his hunger quickley took control and he burst through the wall, into his neighbors apartment.

"Tyler?" Mr. Bitch asked. "Wait. tyLEr??"

The now possessed boy growled, getting ready to pounce on his prey.

Mr. Bitch saw the evil glint in Tyler's eye and quickley realized that he was not here to play twister. Having to think of a plan fast, the older man picked up the closest thing to him, a box of unopened condoms, and threw them, resulting in Tyler getting even angrier.

The jerk of a neighbor, started to sprint out of the room and down the hall, with Ty following close behind. All the while, chanting "Excorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica.."

Taking a glance behind him, he noticed that the chant wasn't working and that Tyler would catch up to him soon.

"Wait! That's it!" Bitch face stated excitedly. He reached into his own boxers and pulled out an opened snickers bar. Throwing it at Tyler, he yelled "YOU'RE NOT YOU WHEN YOU'RE HUNGRY!" The candy landed in the demon-like boy's open, foaming mouth.

Almost instantly, Tyler was better. He was no longer hungry or possessed. The brunette did still want to kill his neighbor, but pushed that thought away, telling himself that he would do it another time.

Quietly muttering profanities under his breath, he walked back through the gaping hole in the wall and put on his shoes, knowing that he had to stock up on food.

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