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Now the fun begins!

Hello, dear readers! Below are the questions for your résumé form, that is, if you wish to join us in writing this adventure.

Answers can be PMed, included in a book, or (though preferably not) commented. No information will be spread or discussed outside of @Marvel_Grl and @jordieblob16, the two writers asking you these questions.

Résume Questions:

What's your username?

What can we call you besides your username (name/nickname)?

Age? (This question is optional, and a range can be given- i.e.- teenager, adult, ect.)

What time zone (just to know availability)?

Are you typically motivated to write and do you usually meet deadlines early, on time, or late?

How many years have you been writing?

What's your skill with grammar and spelling (with autocorrect)? (This is not a deal-breaker, just so we know)

What's your familiarity with Marvel content (How many movies/comics have you seen/read?)

How would you describe your ability to adapt to the personalities of existing characters? (If you write from the POV of Captain America, will readers be convinced he's actually Captain America?)

Do you have experience writing Marvel fanfiction?

Who is your favorite superhero? (Marvel or any other)

Have you ever done a collaboration with other writers?

How do you think you are when working with others? Are you more of a leader of follower in that aspect?

Provide insight on your writing process.

Please, point us in the direction of an action story you have written. It can be Marvel fanfiction or otherwise, just some adventure would be nice. It can be pre-written or you can come up with something totally new.

That's it! There's currently no deadline on sending in your responses

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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One Door Closes- Prolouge and Sign-UpsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu