Chapter 2

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Garfield POV:


I feel like I just got pelted with stankballs from all sides, why didn't Cyborg warn me that I would feel this bad?

I stretch slowly and sit up blinking against the light shining in the windows.

"Oh dude, no.." I mutter to myself holding a hand up to ward off the brightness. I swing my legs off the side of the bed testing out my limbs making sure they're all awake and working right. I deem them good enough and walk sluggishly towards the windows drawing the curtains to a close before collapsing back onto the bed eagerly.

I am so never drinking again.

God I can barely remember a thing. I remember us guys all gettin totally sloshed and before I knew it they had both gone off and I was left alone stumbling like a fool. Who does that to a guy on his birthday? Pretty soon I saw Rae sittin all by her lonesome at the bar, but she wasn't drinking. How come she wasn't having a good time like the rest of us? So I went over and did all I could to make her enjoy herself, basically I told her jokes and bought her a drink. I can remember being surprised that she agreed to drink it. I wasn't sure she'd ever had alcohol before. The last thing I can remember is telling her I thought she looked "real purty" before I likely passed out or something. God I was a mess.

I hope I didn't do anything drastic to let Rae know how I really feel about her.

Pretty soon I feel a telltale surge in my stomach and I rush to the bathroom as fast as I can. After emptying my stomach and brushing my teeth I head back into my room to get dressed for the day. Normally, I would've just gone right back to bed but since I'm twenty one now I figure it's about time I start growing up a bit. Besides, Rae's always saying how immature I am so maybe if I start acting more adultish then she'll like me like I like her! Well, like I love her.

On my way to my closet I passed by the bedside and saw something weird lying there by my comic collection. It looked like a weird gross sock but it was all plastic-like. Getting a little closer I finally guessed what it was. A used condom.

Why would that be by my bed?! I don't even own one of those so why-wait a sec. Cyborg threw one at me jokingly during my last checkup, told me to use protection. I thought I left it in a drawer so maybe...

Rushing over to my desk I open the bottom drawer where I remember throwing it and it ISN'T THERE! Okay, okay, no need to freak out! This doesn't mean anything maybe it just-OHMYGOD I SLEPT WITH SOMEONE! I WAS DRUNK! I SLEPT WITH SOMEONE! OHMYGOD!

As reality starts to sink in I feel a sharp pain directly to my heart. Many people think I'm some kind of playboy with the way I talk about the ladies but that's just to boost my ego. Truly, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I'm a romantic. And a virgin. Or at least, I was.

I'd loved Rae since the first moment I saw her and ever since then it's only grown stronger. I'd been saving myself for her if she'd ever come around but that's all over now. All those years of abstinence just for her, gone to waste. And to top it off, I took advantage of some poor girl!

Oh. My. God.

What if-what if...she didn't consent?

My beast has been growing more agitated lately and since I've never drunk alcohol before...what if he came out and...and what if he raped somebody? If she didn't say yes and I kept going anyways...I could be a rapist!

I can't believe this, I just can't! This isn't me! I don't do things like this!

I need to know what happened..but how? Wait a minute didn't Robin go on and on about some new security cameras he put up around the tower to catch Slade during one of his rants? Maybe they caught something so I can find this girl and ask her if she remembers anything. And so I can apologize.

I only hope that when I find her that I'll be able to face her.

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