Welcome to the firm.

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Fucking Tom. I mentioned him last time, didn't I? Well, he's sort of my boss. We don't go in for a lot of organization here, but for every thirty or so reapers, there's someone in charge. They'll keep track of our names and make sure the numbers line up, and sometimes they'll go out on jobs with us.

Tom's awful at his job. I swear he tampers with the lists just to be an asshole, and whenever he follows me on the job, he's positively trying to make me fuck up. It's like he's trying to prove that my way of doing things is doomed to fail.

Okay, it's exactly like that.

It's stupid! I'm not the only reaper to try to lead people to the doors instead of just swinging a scythe at them as soon as they die, and I'm not the only one under Tom, either, but I'm the only one he really wants to sabotage.

I have to go out with him today, which will be... fun. At least I tend to get assigned to... 'easier' people when I have to go out with Tom. Hooray, nepotism.

It doesn't look like it will be 'easy' today. It's a rooftop. Even worse, a school rooftop.

"Who are you talking to?"

Hey, Tom. Just... talking to myself.

"What's that in your hand?"

Nothing! At all!

"Sure... Ah. Looks like it's time."

I guess it is. She seems so...

"Suicidal? Well, that's why we're here."

Yeah, yeah.

Woah, shit, that's... not how it usually goes.

"We get plenty of fake suicides, Mel."

Yeah, but I don't.  I get the 'boring' jobs, remember?

"Well, you're new, so--"

Like it isn't that you just don't like me?

"Well, it's not just that."

Oh, nice.

"It's not!"

So what is it, then? My face offends you? Yeah, it offended that ghost from last time you followed me out here, too, you want to take a swing at me too?

"I don't! I--"

You what, Thomas?

"Are you two cloaked folks going to keep fighting, or use those big scythes? I mean, I am dead, right?"

Ah, shit.

"Good job, Mel."

Don't you start!

"Hello? Am I wrong, or are you two grim reapers?"

Sorry. Hey. Yeah, we are. Uh...

"Let me guess: I'm dead and you're here to take me to the afterlife."

You're taking this surprisingly well.

"Like I wouldn't be dead after a three-story fall directly onto my head? Did you at least see who did it?"


Shut up, Tom. She was tall and had pink pigtails. Anyway, we need you to come with us.

"Dammit, Emily... Sure. Fine. Not like I have anywhere else to go, anyway."

You'd be surprised.


Oh, yeah... I'm Mel, this is Tom, and you are?

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