Ch. 1 I need to change

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I walk out of my science class to meet my best friends Riley and Maya. I've known both of them since the first grade. And it was then I promised I would love them the same forever. Which I do just in different ways. Maya I love like a sister. A sometimes scary sister. And Riley.. she is the sun who lights up my whole day. And her giggling is my favorite sound in the world. I would do anything to make her happy. Because her happiness is mine. I just wish she would get over this ridiculous crush on Lucas.

Lucas Friar he moved here this year from Texas. And he is a great guy and friend I just... I just wish he stayed in Texas. He is slowly but surely stealing my sun from me. We are all in the seventh grade so surely this little crush she has on him can't last.. right? Well all I know is Riley is my whole world and I don't know who I am without her.

A few minutes later

I make it to the library and someone set off the sprinkler alarm. Actually i bet I know who is behind this. It's a completely Maya thing to do. She will get detention for this. I think shaking my head. Then I see Riley getting dripping wet as I am. "Riley!" I call out but when she looks over at me that is when Lucas helps to shield her from the ran with his jacket. She looks at him and smiles. Then he kisses her. I just freeze. He is kissing her and she isn't stopping him. I know that cause of her crush on him she will be really happy. And because I love her i should be happy for her. But because I love her i feel completely crushed. After she comes over to me with one of her dazzling smiles. "Farkle you will not believe what just happened! Lucas kissed me. Kissed me! I wanted to tell my best friend in the world before I tell my soul sister." She says excitedly giving me a hug. She only sees me as her friend?

After all these years I've been here for her. I have loved her and put her happiness before mine but she only sees me as a friend? I know she has this crush on Lucas but I always thought she liked me too in her own way. But I was wrong she never saw me. She never saw me. I've always just been her friend Farkle the super nerd. She let's me go and runs off to find Maya. And I feel empty when she lets me go. I sit down feeling like I can no longer stand. I've lost my sun. And I must do something about it. It's time I changed. And as much as I hate it in order for me to change I have to go far away from my friends and from Riley. I can't be Farkle the nerd anymore. The one who loses the girl and gets his heart broken. I have to become a guy she would like...

I take out my cellphone and call my uncle Jake. "Hello? Uncle Jake?... I was wondering if I can stay with you for awhile... I need you to teach me all that you know." I say and i listen for his reply. "Farkle I thought you would never ask... school is out now right? Go home and don't worry I will talk to your Dad and my sister." "Okay Uncle Josh thanks." I say and we soon Hang up. I grab my stuff and head out for what won't be my home for awhile.


My dad was disappointed that I wanted to stay over at Uncle Jake's for an undetermined amount of time. But he agreed only cause he and my mom are almost never home. And he agreed that a new environment but be good for my growth as a person. So right now I am packing my bags and sending a rather long email to each of my friends explaining my absence just not giving them the real reason for it. I'm thirteen years old. I wonder how long it would take to learn from Uncle Jake.


There is a knock on my door. "Farkle I got you a 9pm flight. So it's time to go. I will send your allowance on your card like I normally do. So you don't have to worry about being broke. Are you going to keep in contact with your friends?" "Of course I am. They are my friends." "Then keep in mind the time difference." "I know new York is three hours ahead of California. And the flight to California will take a little over 5 hours. And I will arrive there 2am New York time and 11pm California time." I tell him the approximate times I had figured out in my head. "Ok. Stan will take you to the airport are you ready?" "Yeah. Thanks Dad." I say and he gives me a hug. And i load my stuff into the limo. I take one last look and and leave what has been my home for 13 years. And still the only one on my mind is Riley.


I pull out my laptop since it's allowed right now. And Riley is online asking for a video chat. I plug in my headphones and accept. Her face appears on the screen. "Farkle! Why are you leaving?" "I need to Riley. I need to grow in a new environment." I need to do this Riley. I need to have just as much of a chance as Lucas. I need to become someone you can like too. "Farkle this isn't you. You would never leave your friends like this. And Farkle we are best friends we don't lie to each other we never have. Why do I get the feeling you are lying now?" She says making me wince. How can she know me so well? How can she know me so well but never see me. "Your right but Riley I don't know really who I am yet. Yes I am not the type to leave my friends but I need to figure out who I am on my terms. Can't you please support me on this?" I ask her and I watch her take a deep breath as she tries to hold back tears making me want to cry too. "Of course Farkle I support you. I always will. I just thought you would always be there for me. " "Riley I will always be there for you when you need me, even if I am not there physically. Even if I am far away from you. I will always be there for you. Remember i am always a phone call or a text away.." I tell her though by this time we are both crying. I never knew doing what I needed to do would be so hard...

She calls me Daddy now too,SirWhere stories live. Discover now