And So It Begins

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Anna's POV

When I woke up, I soon realized that I am not in my comfy warm bed, but in a different bedroom with a rock solid mattress that I think might have broke my back. I groaned loudly when I attempted to get out of the bed but fell back down due to my knees giving out, and me feeling as though I was going to faint. I waited for a couple seconds, then decided to attempt getting out of bed again. I finally got up, even though I still was going to pass out, then slowly walked towards the door, soon realizing that it was locked. Great now last night came back to me, I thought I had a nightmare but it was to good to be true.

I started pounding in the door, and when that didn't work, I started screaming (the kind of scream in horror movies, I always had a good set of lungs). Suddenly the door bursted open with 4 guys who I didn't know, Niall, and Justin.

Niall "What the heck is wrong with ya woman!!!!"

" I think I'm deaf now" said a boy with blue eyes and light brown hair in different directions.

"Are you alright???" Asked a boy with brown hair in a quiff.

"You sounded like you were getting murdered" said a boy with brown eyes and black hair also in a quiff.

"Someone has got a good set of lungs, now I don't have a good set of ears..." A boy with green eyes and curly hair groaned.

"What am I doing here!!!!!, who are you? JUSTIN what's going on!!!?" I partially screamed again.

I completely lost it and fell to my knees crying because I desperately wanted to go home and be in my nice bed, not with 6 lunatic boys who kidnapped me.

"Hey, hey, it's alright we're not going to hurt you" the boy with the brown hair in a quiff.

"Haha like I believe that, you guys did kidnap me like last night" I replied

"We told Niall not to put the cloth around your nose an mouth, but Niall just had to have his way." Said the curly headed boy who was now scowling at Niall.

"Sorry not sorry" Niall said.

"So do guys care to explain why you kidnapped me?" I'm getting kind of worried about being stuck with six extremely attractive yet dangerous guys. Why do I always get the good ones?

"You'll soon find out the reason but for now, that's for us to know, and you to find out" said the boy with black hair and carmel eyes.

"And one more question..."

"What's that?" Asked Niall.

"Who the heck are you guys?" I practically screamed at them kind of shocking them before they covered their ears with their hands.

"If you would shut up! Then we can introduce ourselves megamouth! Yelled the boy with brown hair in different directions.

"I'm Louis" said the boy who just scolded me for my screaming.

"I'm Harry" said the curly headed boy who has and I have just noticed, hasn't stopped looking at me since he came in.

"I'm Zayn" said the boy with the raven hair and carmel eyes.

"And I'm Liam" said the boy with the light brown hair and gentle eyes.

Gosh, all of them have British accents except for Niall who's Irish, and Justin who's a moron. Can they be any hotter, I swear they must be gods.

"We're going to go get you some food if your hungry" said Harry

"No thanks I just ate at the club, it's too late to eat now"I replied

"Love it's 1pm the next day, you've been sleeping for 13hrs" Liam said

"And if you scream one more time, I can put you back to sleep for another 13" Zayn said right when I opened my mouth.

"I have been sleeping for that long?!?! How many drugs did you use on me?!?!"

"Hey calm down love, at least you got a chance to catch up on some beauty rest" Louis replied.

"I would be calm if I wasn't just kidnapped by psychopathic idiots!"

"So I'll take it that your either hungry or on you period, so I'm just guessing your hungry" Niall said

"We'll be right back darling, don't miss us too much now" said Louis

I look over to Justin looking for some answers but he just ignores my glance, and walks right out the door.


I sigh when they lock the door again, and think to myself, "how did I get myself into this mess?" I'm now stuck waiting for six psychopathic gods to bring me food which I now notice that I'm starving! I shot up when I heard the door knob twist after what had seemed like decades waiting for. My food. Liam entered with a plate that had a sandwich with, chips, a glass of water, and a pickle on top of the sandwich. Nice touch.

"Here you go, I hope your not a vegetarian because this is all we have"

I stand up and take the plate before walking back to the edge of the bed, and then began inhaling my food.

"Sorry if the guys were a little rough on you today, they'll cheer up soon though"

And with that, Liam walks out the door, closes it, and then locks it agin leaving to me to my thoughts and stupid subconscious. After I finished my meal, I pulled the covers over my body, and then dreamt about handsome boys and seeing my family again. "If I see them again" my subconscious has to add, which proves my point about it being stupid. I then drift of to sleep with to many thoughts on my mind.

A/N, here's the chapter! Hoped you guys enjoyed it!

What do you think will happen to Anna? Will she fall in love? Will she be able to see her family again? Will she be able to escape? Stay tuned to find out!


Looking for the Light (A One Direction Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora