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Chapter 1

Anna's POV

I woke up to the painfully annoying sound of my alarm clock going off, I lazily hit the alarm and successfully turned the beeping machine off. I wanted to fall back asleep, but my mom had other plans, "ANNA WAKE UP!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE TO SCHOOL!" I groaned loudly and slowly took the warm covers off my cold body. I looked over at hmy clock 7:15 it read, CRUD! The bus comes in 15 minutes!

I wanted to shower but I had no time, I ran over to my closet a picked out a PINK sweatshirt with matching sweatpants and NIKE teal and grey running shoes, "it will have to due for today" I thought. Next I put my hair in a high ponytail and put on some foundation and mascara then I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen and grabbed an apple before I head out the door. "Love you Anna! Have a good day!"

"Thanks mom Byeeee!"

Right after I closed the front door, the bus came right at the stop sign, "uggg I really hate running" I thought while jogging towards the stop sign. I barely climbed into the bus and sat in my seat before the bus suddenly lurched forward. I then started a conversation with my two closest friends Rose and Chloe,

Chloe " Are you a Justin doing alright? You guys seem kind of off lately."(A/N Justin is Anna's boyfriend)

Anna " Yea we're fine, he just seems a little weird lately" I reply.

I thought back to when I heard him on his phone outside of my porch just a couple nights ago,

Justin " Yea she's hooked on me,but there's nothing I can do about it. When do you want her? I'll try my best I guess, bye."

I had a feeling he was talking about me, but it just didn't seem like Justin that was sweet, funny, caring, and just plain adorable. I was planing on confronting him about his phone call when he walked in but he said he had to leave as soon as he walked in the room. Tonight I'll ask him about the phone call when he comes to take us to the movies. I was shaken out of my thoughts when the school bus stopped in front of Lakewood High. As students were piling out of the bus, I saw Justin near the bike rack talking to one of his friends, I waved at him but he didn't seem to take notice of my presence." A great way to start the day" I thought.

*********End of school day**********

I finally heard the bell ring, which to me was the best sound to hear after a tiring day of my high school life. As I walked out I saw Justin run up to me,

Justin "Hey Anna, can we take a rain check on our date tonight, something came up and it's really important, you understand right?"

Anna " What's so important?" I asked with suspicion and curiosity.

Justin "Umm its a.. family thing"

Anna "Ummm ok it's fine I guess, but call me if you need help or anything"

Justin " Sure will, thanks for understanding" Justin flashed one of his award winning smiles, and I couldn't help but return on back. After that we said our goodbyes, he walked back to his car, and I walked towards the bus. I thought to myself, 'I know something's wrong, but what is it and why did I get the feeling it wasn't his grandmother that was the problem, and most importantly why did I feel as though it involved me..."

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!!! Comment if you have something for me to improve, or just comment anyway! I'll try to update as soon as I can, so be PATIENT!! Anyway love you guys BYE FOR NOW!


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