chapter 9

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The others explored while Ted feared the worst of having a monkey loose in his apartment building.

"George?! George?!" Atticus called out in monkey language.

"George!" Mo tried as well.

"This is not good..." Eleanor panicked again.

"At least it can't get any worse." Alvin said.

"Everybody split up." Patch decided.

Everyone nodded before they did so. Hopefully they could find George before Ivan could.

"George, where are you?" Patch whispered.

George was loose in the vents and he followed to where he heard a female opera singer.

"Now if I was a monkey, where would I be?" Atticus asked.

"I know you'd scratch your butt or eat bananas..." Cherry said as she went down the halls with Atticus and Mo while Patch went with Ted and the Chipmunks and the Chipettes went their own way.

There was then louder opera singing heard. Cherry gulped, she cracked the door open and saw a short aristocratic woman going to take a bubble bath with music playing loudly in her room.

"I hope he isn't in this room." Mo said.

"Nope, he's not, let's go." Cherry said quickly.

Suddenly, the vent opened and George appeared and hung onto the chandelier.

"Okay, he's here, let's go." Cherry said quickly again.

"No, we have to get him out of this room first." Atticus whispered.

George then bounced off the couch after landing and ended up on the coffee table in the room. His left ear twitched as he heard music and came up to the stereo and put his ear up to it, but then twitched as it grew very loud in his eardrums slightly. His back leg then landed in some red paint.

"Oh, man..." Mo's eyes widened.

George then splatted the paint and saw various other colors and decided to have a little fun.

"Oh, no..." Atticus said.

George put his hands together in the red and green paints and looked like it could be fun. He walked across the red paint and then splattered the white wall with his hands.

"George, stop!" Mo whispered loudly.

Soon enough, George had painted his own landscape of the jungle of where he came from.

"Why won't he listen?" Mo whispered.

There then came bubbles from the bathroom and one popped right in front of George which excited him for more. He even let one pop in his mouth, but he didn't like the taste and followed the bubbles into the bathroom.

Cherry flung herself forward and grabbed George's legs until he kept going and dragged her into the bathroom with him with her skidding across the floor. "Noooo!" she whispered loudly in defeat.

George then hopped up and came to the edge of the bathtub as the owner had cucumbers on her eyes as she was waving her hand to the tune of her opera singing.

"This can't end well." Cherry said.

George popped the bubble above the tub and it made the green slide off his hand and it ended up in the water. Cherry gasped deeply and cupped her mouth while shaking nervously. George liked this and waved his red and green hands into the water.

"STOP IT!" Cherry whispered sharply, carrying George in her hands to stop him.

George seemed to continue on.

"George!" Cherry said through her teeth.

George then giggled to her and rubbed his hands against her face and ran off again, laughing.

Cherry winced and grunted, then looked in the mirror nervously. "We are so dead."

"Do you think she got George?" Mo whispered to Atticus.

"I hope so..." Atticus whispered back. "I think I should've gone after her."

They then heard a yelp and looked over a Ted landed on the now zebra striped couch.

"Something tells me George was there." Mo said.

Ted looked to the bathroom and saw colorful splatters of the paint. "Of course he'd be in there."

George was pouring more and more paint into the woman's bath as she was resting peacefully, blissfully unaware of her surroundings.

Cherry stormed in, all colorful now.

"Cherry, why do you look so blue?" Atticus asked. "And green and red and yellow?"

"That monkey..." Cherry growled.

"I saw that coming." Mo said.

Ted gasped once he saw what George was doing. "Oh, boy... Monkey, come over here, come on, Monkey..."

"His name is George." Atticus reminded.

Ted then tried to play peek-a-boo with the monkey, then George heard and saw the man and walked over to him with a smile, dropping the bucket into the bath water.

"Let's get out of here now." Mo said.

George chattered a little too loudly and the woman sat up and removed her cucumbers to see she had uninvited company.

"Uh, do yourself a favor, you're gonna wanna put the cucumbers back on." Ted smiled nervously as he closed the bathroom door with George in his free arm.

"Let's run before she sees what you mean." Atticus said.

Ted shut the door and as he did, the woman was then heard screaming. "IVAN!!!"

Ivan slammed the door open. "I KNEW IT! You are red-handed with own pet!"

"Now hold on a second, I think you have a serious pet problem in this building, Ivan!" Ted tried to get Ivan in trouble, but George kept clinging onto him like a lost puppy. "I mean, don't you spray animals or something? I remember specific language in my lease." he then tried to get rid of George, but it was no use.

"Is he trying to get rid of George?" Theodore asked.

"Yep." Eleanor pouted.

There was a painting of George with Ted which busted Ted and got him kicked out of his apartment with the monkey.

"YOU ARE NO LONGER 17B!" Ivan yelled as he chased Ted and the others out of the building. "YOU ARE KICKED FROM BUILDING!"

"Just to be clear, the monkey's kicked, not me?" Ted then asked nervously as he held up George in his hands.

"GET OUT!" Ivan demanded.

'And we're out.' Patch thought to himself.

Ted had trouble getting out of the fire escape and got his foot caught in the ladder and was now hanging upside down. George smiled and lifted his tie to see the man's face.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Ted sighed to George.

"I'm sure we'll find someplace that will allow animals." Mo said.

"Well, I have to go to the museum..." Ted sighed. "There's a big fuss going on over there."

"How do we get there?" Mo asked.

"We'll have to walk..." Ted sighed as he held George's hand.

And with that, they walked to the Bloomsberry Museum.

Cherry Meets Curious GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now