chapter 7

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"Why do I have a sudden feeling this adventure isn't over yet?" Atticus asked.

The others just shrugged at him and they went to board the ship after they were ready to get going back home where it was safe and sound.

"Well, this adventure was short, I think." Patch said.

"Not to mention a big let down." Brittany rolled her eyes.

"Give it a rest, Britt." Eleanor scolded her eldest sister.

"Well, I guess at least we got to feel like real adventurers." Alvin shrugged as he looked out into the ocean as they were returning back to America.

"Yeah, I guess." Patch said.

The others just continued their normal boat ride back home. After the boat docked, the others just decided to run along home.

"Well, that was a short adventure." Patch said.

"We get it, nothing happened, we did what we could, moving on..." Cherry rolled her eyes slightly with Atticus and Patch's disappointments in going to Africa.

"We didn't even get to see Mom!" Theodore frowned, he still believed that they actually went to Africa to see his, Simon, and Alvin's mother like Alvin lied to Dave so he would allow them to go on the trip.

"Like, what do we do now?" Brittany asked. "I dunno about you, but I wanna hit the Mall, they have the cutest scarves on sale!"

"Anything is better than having nothing to do." Atticus said.

"I'd let you guys come with me, but there's no animals allowed in my building." Ted replied apologetically.

"That's okay, we understand, you go get some rest, you've had a long day." Patch replied.

"Yeah." Atticus agreed.

They all then went their separate ways.

"So, Cherry, what are you gonna do now?" Patch asked.

"I dunno, probably finish my game..." Cherry merely shrugged.

"Why do I have a feeling this adventure is far from over?" Atticus asked.

"Obviously you're in denial..." Cherry glanced at him slightly.

Patch then caught the scent of the monkey that they had met. "That's weird." he then said.

"What's up?" Atticus asked.

"I swear, I smell a monkey..." Patch wondered if that meant anything.

Brittany glanced at him, then left with Jeanette and Eleanor. "Well, I'm going to the mall... Good luck with that."

Eleanor started to follow, then looked back to the Dalmatian pup and walked over to him. "You smell a monkey around here?" She asked, which was odd since the only monkeys around this place were in a zoo and they were nowhere near a zoo.

Patch's curiosity got the better of him as he began to follow the scent. Eleanor decided to go with him, mostly to make sure he wouldn't get into trouble. Atticus decided to join them also to make sure that the dalmatian puppy wouldn't get into any trouble. The others had gone as they went on their own personal mission.

Eleanor removed her safari hat as she went with Atticus and Patch to crack this down. "What're you looking for Patch?"

Patch looked back at her. "I know I smell a monkey around here somewhere."

"That's odd, but I do believe you." Eleanor showed that she wasn't as narrow-minded as Brittany about this odd case.

"Same here." Atticus said.

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