fourty two

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niall: thought we will still be friends

harry: we are

niall: then why haven't we talked for a week?

harry: because you were busy

niall: what's made you think that?

harry: I saw pictures of you and celine everywhere I think it's enough shit to make me think that

niall: you're being childish, I hope you know it

harry: I'm not

harry: you don't understand how much it upsets me

harry: knowing that I can't kiss you when it's all I wanna do

harry: and then seeing your lips pressed to someone else's

harry: you smiling as if she kisses you in a way nobody has ever done

harry: when I know that I can do it better

niall: harry..

harry: don't

harry: I got it

harry: I got that you don't wanna be kissed

harry: you wanna be loved

harry: and I can't love you like that

harry: I'm sorry

niall: yeah, me too

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