Fire Dancer

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this is my first time so please no bad comments :)

    Some people think I'm a freak, some think I'm down right crazy, but I'm none of those things. This reason is because I don't speak. When I was 8 my parents died in a car accident and I was shipped off to a orphanage. Ever since then I stopped talking . I thought being silent would help me somehow, but people would tease me, and call me names but would never touch me or come at me in anyway besides verbal. They don't because I know how to fight and the last time I did at the age of 9 I put a kid in a coma. All because he punched me. after about a year a family adopted me and they knew I didn't talk. they didn't pressure me into talking so I guess I like them. The only thing I hate is they make me go to school, which makes even more problems, but they never take me back. all that changed when I found out who I really am.

         hi, my name is Sam Jones and this is the story on how I became a fire dancer.

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