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It's a bright Saturday morning but a heavy sigh came out to Luhan's mouth. She can't decide what to wear annd she needed to chose quickly. She stared the wall clock and suddenly, her eyes widened 'Gosh! it's already 10:00'. She quickly grabbed her Color red collared shift dress. She took a quick shower and wore the dress that she picked. She blew her hair, and when it's dry already her and she mother braids her hair, waterfall style to be specific. She wore her Taylor Swift's Champion Glitter Lace Keds shoes.
Finally, it's 11 'o clock, Sehun arrived on their house on time. He pressed the doorbell using his slender finger. After a seconds of waiting, the door opened revealing a woman, maybe she's around 25 years old.
'Maybe it's Luhan's sister' he thought.
His thoughts washed away when the woman spoke.
"You are Oh Sehun, right?" the woman gently asked him.
"Yes, I am" he answered politely.
"Come in." she commanded.
"No need. We are leaving right away. Thank you" he replied with a smile.
"Oh speaking. Luhan'shere now. Luhan! Go down quickly. Don't make this handsome guy wait for too long" she yelled at Luhan.
Luhan quickly ran  to the door.
"Mom, we have to leave. Bye" Luhan bid her goodbye to her mom and kissed her on the cheek.
Sehun was completely shocked. She's Luhan's mom. Sehun quickly snapped back in the reality and finally spoke.
"Oh I'm so sorry Mrs. Xi, I didn't recognized that you are Luhan's mother" He apologized and bowed 90 degrees.
"It's okay. No need to apologize. Drive safely, Sehun. The two of you, take care. Enjoy" Mrs. Xi bid her goodbye to the two.

"Let's go?" Sehun offered his arms ang Luhan clang his left arm on Sehun's right arm. they made their way on Sehun's car.

They arrived at the mall,somewhere in Gangnam. First, they go somewhere on the department store. They are now in front of an Eye wear store. Sehun fitted the eyeglasses with round frames. Luhan was busy looking at the other eyewears when her eyes caught an adorable sight, Sehun wearing an eyeglasses with round frame. When Sehun was about to remove it, she quickly stopped him.
"Why?" Sehun asked with confusion.
Luhan didn't respond, instead, she took out her phone and aimed it which means...
"Hey! I know what you're going to do. Stop it." he covered the lens of the phone's camera.
"Please, just one shot. You look so cute." Luhan pouted in front of Sehun's face.
'Oh fuck' he cursed to himself. "Okay. one shot only."
"Okay" Luhan answered with excitement.
Sehun quickly made peace, eyes closed, slightly smiling.
"Okay, one more time" Luhan shirped happily.
"What the hell Luhan?!? You said, one shot only?" Sehun half yelled.
"B-but... please" Luhan shows her puppy eyes to Sehun.
"Aish. Whatever. Okay.okay. Just stop. Please. It's annoying" Sehun tolled his eyes.
Luhan nodded happily.
"Sehunnie is so cute" he muttered happily while looking on the photo that she took. She smiled on those picture. She made it as her wallpaper quickly.
Sehun rolled his eyes because of her childish act. But, he was curious of what he looked like on the picture. He's 100% sure that he's handsome.
"May I see?" He grabbed the phone on Luhan's hand and stared at the photo.
"Do not upload this." he said coldly and gave the phone back to Luhan.
"O-okay" she responded lowly.

 Sehun noticed it he instantly grabbed Luhan's arm and wnet outside the store

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Sehun noticed it he instantly grabbed Luhan's arm and wnet outside the store.
"Let's eat. I'm hungry. Where do you want to eat?" he interrogated.
"Anywhere" Luhan smiled at him.

They ended up eating in an Italian Restaurant. The two ate in silence. Luhan kept on staring at Sehun while eating but Sehun was just eating without looking ate her. The avoid the awkward silence, she started the conversation.
"Uhhmmm Sehun?" she asked in her low voice.
Sehun finally looked up wearing his poker face. "What?" he replied coldly.
"Are you mad?" she thought that it's her fault why Sehun was acting that way.
"No." he answered plainly.
"Sorry" she uttered.
"It's okay. Are you done eating?" he approached Luhan.
Luhan nodded as a response.
"Wanna go to the arcade?" he tried to cheer up Luhan's spirit because he felt guilty.
Luhan smiled at him widely. "Okay"
The two of them walked outside the restaurant. As they are on the arcade, they played some games like basketball, shooting games and of course the 'Just Dance'. Sehun was the one who danced and as he moved his body to the rhythm, the girls at the mall stopped what they are doing and watched the oh-so-hot-dancing-Oh Sehun. Some were screaming and some were taking a video of him. Luhan felt some kind of jealousy. She really wanted to stopped those girls and yelled to their faces that 'Hey! He's mine' but she's not that kind of girlfriend so she just let them. She just watched her boyfriend. She felt that her world stopped for a minute while watching Sehun. Sehun was really good in dancing. He's very smooth. Aside from basketball, he was also a member of dancing club and his popular with it also.That made Sehun really popular to girls.
As the music ended, Luhan took her handkerchie and wiped Sehun's sweat on his forehead. Now,the're just walking around. Luhan spoke.
"Sehun. Let's go to that photobooth"
"Hell no." he replied coldly.
Luhan has nothing to do so she just nodded. Sehun might shouted at her again if she forced him.They are just walking when she noticed that Sehun stopped from walking.
"Tiffany?" Sehun uttered. Luhan heard it. Tiffany was in front of them with Nickhun. 'Maybe they're on a date' Sehun thought.
"Oh hi there! Nice to see you." Tiffany flashed her mischievous smile. "What are doing here?" she added.
It's time. Sehun smirked and quickly wrapped his arms around Luhan's waist. "We're on a date. Did you see?"
Tiffany nodded her head forcing a smile. "So Luhan, you're  Sehun's new girlfriend?"
Luhan can't utter even a single word. "Of course she was." Sehun smirked at Tiffany first then he kissed Luhan's hair crown. "You know? she's vey nice and beautiful.Why didn't I noticed her before?" He added.
Tiffany forced again a smile trying not to burst an anger and also,trying not to show any signs of jealousy.
"C'mon let's go" she walked out. Nickhun followed him.
Sehun followed the couple by his eyes and found out that their on the photobooth. A smile formed on his lips.
"Lu, you said you want to go to the photobooth right?" he asked rapidly. Luhan nodded.
He grabbed Luhan's arms and ran to the photobooth. They went inside the booth.
After a six shot they went outside. Tiffany saw the whole scene of how Sehun was being so sweet to his new girlfriend, Luhan. When Sehun, noticed that Tiffany was looking at them, he hugged Luhan tightly while caressing her hair. Luhan felt so warm on Sehun's embrace. Tiffany was still looking at them and sending death glares but Sehun just winked at her and smirked.

"What was that for?" Luhan asked when Sehun broke the hug.
"For this. For making me happy. I love you. I'm so lucky to have you." Sehun spoke, enough for Tiffany to hear it.
"I love you too." she replied.

Tiffany shot a death glare to them for the last time and walked out. Her face looked really pissed.

Luhan arrived at home. She laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She was very happy but something popped out on her mind. Sehun became more clingy when they saw Tiffany at the mall. Lately, he was acting called and easily got irritated to her but why so sudden? He changed his mood quickly. He erased all the thoughts on her mind. She do't want to hink negative.She was just really happy.

Sehun was on hiw own bedroom now. He was smiling. Finally, he took his first step. He was laughing alone remembering Tiffany's face when she saw him with Luhan. He enjoyed his day, seeing Tiffany really pissed and jealous. 'We're just starting Tiffany. Be ready' he thought and then he fell asleep.


Chapter Nine. Updated. Hope you like it. It's quite boring for me but still hoping that you will enjoy this chapter. Thank you also for your comments ' <3 xoxo :* Hope to see you on the next chapter.

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