“Lela,” Johhin’s voice broke into her thoughts, “We should go.”

Lela hurried to pull on her boots and find her cloak and mittens. Once fully attired, Johhin escorted her and Salina over to the Fandrin’s farm.

The first thing that Lela noticed when she stepped into Markie’s house, was the way that Mrs. Fandrin’s brows were knit together in concern and worry. She had that look on her face, which Lela’s mother had worn for weeks before her father had died, ever since she had known that death was a possibility. The expression that Lela still saw cross her face whenever Jalin’s name was mentioned.

“Lela, Johhin, I’m glad you made it,” she greeted them and led them into the bedroom that Markie and Erinoto shared.

And then Lela saw Markie, and could feel her face contort into an expression that mirrored the one on Mrs. Fandrin’s face.

“Markie?” Lela asked, as she reached out to grab one of his hands, placing her other hand on his forehead.

She almost drew back as her fingers touched the heat of his face. He was so hot. Too hot.

“He’s burning up!” She exclaimed, looking back at Mrs. Fandrin, who nodded helplessly.

“Lela?” Markie turned his fevered gaze to hers, gripping her hand tightly in his as shiver racked through his body

“It’s cold,” he complained, dropping Lela’s hand to reach for the light blanket that covered his legs and hips.

Lela took his hand back in hers, knowing that his fever was too high for him to be lying underneath a blanket. Johhin joined her near the bed, resting a hand on Markie’s shoulder. He stood opposite Lela, and reflected her worried gaze. Markie dropped Lela’s hand again, to reach over and place his hand over Johhin’s. Markie left his hand there for a couple of seconds, then reached for Lela again.


“Yes, Markie.”

“The doc didn’t know if I was going to beat this, and I’ve been carrying your ring around for days now, waiting for the perfect moment.”

“Markie, no,” Lela shook her head, “Not now. You’re strong and healthy. You’ll beat this illness.”

“Johhin, can you get it from my pants pocket? The pair hanging over that chair,” Markie continued as if he hadn’t heard her.

Johhin moved away, and returned carrying a gold ring in his hand. Markie let go of Lela’s hand and reached for it.

“Lela Kaltanis,” Markie began, “I know I’m not down on one knee, but if I love you so much. If I make it through this, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Lela couldn’t see anymore through the haze of tears that were pooling in her eyes, “Of course, Markie. But you have to promise me that when you make it through this, you’ll propose to me properly. I don’t want my memory of the start of our lives together to be marred by thoughts of how close I came to losing you.”

“It’s a deal,” Markie said smiling at her, “Now give me your hand.”

Lela allowed him to slide the ring on her finger. She looked down at her hand as he did so, noting the small gold band and little diamond that graced it. It was small, but it was beautiful and delicate, and she knew that Markie must have spent a lot to obtain it.

“It’s beautiful Markie,” she managed to choke out.

“Not half as beautiful as you are,” Markie replied, raising his hand to wipe a tear off of her cheek, “I love you, Lela.”

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