Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

I caught her eye immediately. "What?"

Beca exhaled slowly, closing her eyes. "Okay I definitely shouldn't have made this about me." She opened them, sighing. "That woman out there could never replace your mom Dani, but if she makes your dad happy, maybe you should give her a chance."

I looked down. "I don't want to give her a chance. I... I can't shake the voice in my head that says he's betraying my mom."

She chewed on her bottom lip, staring at me. "Okay let me ask you something then." She paused. "I know this is no where near the same thing, but if I were to die today, can you honestly tell me that you would live the rest of your life alone?"

My eyebrows furrowed. I was surprised by her question, but I didn't even have to think about the answer. "Yes, I can. I love you, I would never do that to you, and I've known you for less than a year. So what does that say about my dad?"

Her fingertips brushed over my open palm as she sighed. "But you wouldn't be doing anything to me, I would be gone and you would be the one that'd have to live with yourself every single day. Besides, I would want you to move on and learn to find happiness in someone else, and I have no doubt your mom would want that for your dad too."

Finally, her words seemed to break through to me. I sighed, allowing her touch to soothe me. "She would."


"Yes," I nodded, looking down. "It's just, it's only been three years. They were married for thirty seven."

"I know. I get that," she murmured softly. "And maybe your dad should've waited a little longer, but maybe he didn't get the chance, you know? Some things just happen." She nudged my side. "Some things are so hard to fight that you kind of just have to embrace them. You know what I mean?"

I chuckled, realizing she was hinting to our situation. "Yeah I think I do." I squeezed her hand, pulling her face to mine and pressing my lips to hers. "Thank you."

She simply smiled. I bit the inside of my cheek, looking into her eyes. "Now that we've solved that problem... could we maybe come back to what you said earlier?"

Her smile faltered. "Maybe another day, okay? Go talk to your dad."

I nodded, not wanting to push her. I squeezed her hand again and left the room, thinking to myself. Truthfully, I knew I was being a bit of a child about my dad's situation. He wasn't cheating on anyone because he was no longer married, but it still bothered me. A lot. Regardless, he was my dad and Beca was right. He deserved to be happy. The difference for me between having someone to hold at night, like Beca, and not having someone to hold was tremendous.

So I could understand why my dad was dating again.

I found him in the living room. "Where's your girlfriend?"

He looked up. "I asked her to go home."

I sat down next to him. "Why?"

He spat out a speech that I was sure he had prepared while I was talking to Beca. "Because I understand that her being around makes you uncomfortable. I know you think I've betrayed your mother, but hear me out okay? I loved your mom for a very, very long time and I'm sure I would've grown old with her if I'd had the chance, but she and I were having problems long before she passed away."

The Foster Kid (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now