Chapter 1

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Dakota’s POV:

Where the hell is Alex?!

He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago!

I know it seems like I’m over reacting, but I’m not! Alex, my best friend, just so happens to be the Alex Gaskarth, and no, I am not related to any of All Time Low. Me and Alex have been best friends since kindergarten.   But over the past few years me and Alex have grown apart, he’s been busy with recordings and tours, and I’ve been busy studying.

I guess that’s why I’m being so impatient, we’re going on tour in England and he’s ten minutes late! If he doesn’t hurry up we’re going to miss our plane and we would be late for the first concert of the tour.

I started to pace the room and began to worry that we weren’t going to make it.

I needed to distract myself so I started checking that I had everything I needed.

I was just zipping up my last suitcase when I heard an engine turn off and a car door open.

I stopped zipping up the suitcase and ran to the door. I flung it open not even caring when it slammed against the wall.

“ALEX!!!!” I yelled as I ran the rest of the way down the drive way. As soon as I reached Alex I jumped on his back and he gave me a piggy-back into the house.

When we reached the house I jumped off of Alex’s back and ran to the living room where my parents and siblings were stood.

My mum, being the silly woman she is, was crying. My sister was jumping up and down at the thought of having a room to herself for a year and my brother was just ignoring me in general, you see, my brother was jealous because I was getting to share a tour bus with Jack Barakat, my brothers gay (YAY! My very own personal gay best friend!) And he says he’s in love with Jack, I don’t see why though jacks a man-whore! I love him to bits, but he sleeps around too much. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if he gave half of our old high school STD’s. and finally there’s my dad, who was just stood there smiling at the boy who used to be so young and naive just a few years ago, honestly Alex has grown up a lot (I know, that must mean he acted like a five year old most of his life, which he did, you couldn’t even say a swear word without getting slapped by him)

I re-zipped the still unzipped suitcase and threw a few bags at Alex, before dragging my multiple suitcases’ out to the hallway and returning to the living room to say goodbye to my family, and with that, we left.

Whilst on the way to the airport we went to pick up Alex’s band, All Time Low.  They all bundled in and gave me huge hugs. Jack being the cocky guy that he is started trying to seduce me, it almost worked. Almost. Trouble is, I’ve just been through a bad break up, and I just wasn’t in the mood for Jacks one night stand attitude. I mean, sure, he’s good looking and he’s mega sweet most of the time, but he’s always been the band member who brings a girl back with him after the show and then dumps her sorry arse the next morning.

We all sat in the minivan laughing and joking until we reached Baltimore airport. We all bundled out and grabbed our bags and suitcase’s from the trunk.

Suddenly I heard loud screams as a bunch of girls sprinted across the car park, luckily for us, they had a few bodyguards from the airport come out and meet us, just in case this did happen. The guards stepped around to the back of the car and surrounded us just in time to stop the girls from swarming us.

I laughed in victory and pumped my fist into the air.

Rian and Zack burst out into fits of laughter, while Alex restrained Jack from letting a groupie in.

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