Day 1: Monday

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I sprinted to school with a piece of toast in my mouth. I was gonna be late! I arrived a school just five minutes before the bell. Good. Now I have some time to watch Sempai walk in the school gate.

I casually leaned against a sakura tree. I turned to see Osana on the other side.


I checked my watch. No time to get rid of her. Sempai or some lowly students would see. I would have to wait. I decided to talk to her.

"Hey, Osana~Chan!" I sweetly smile at her.

Osana smiled back. "Hi, Yandere~Chan!" She bowed. "Lovely day, huh?"

I nodded, and giggled. Ugh. She disgusts me. "Hey, do you need any help with anything?" I was eager to gain her trust.

She shook her head, and shyly smiled. "No thanks, but... I think Kokona~Sama needed help...." She stated awkwardly. "And... uh... well Saki too.... Let's see... who else needs help...? Ah yes! The new girl, Misume Ronshaku too!"

"Really? Ok, I guess I'll help them then!" I said, happy with this information. Osana wasn't so useless afterall. Too bad she's still gonna die!

"Wow...." Osana tilted her head at me.

"What?" I asked, worried that I was acting strange.

"Nothing, you just seem sincere about helping people. I'll tell you what. I'll be your BFF of you really help those girls!"

I perked at her offer. "That would be awesome! Thanks!"

Osana nodded, and laughed. I turned back to the gates. Sempai should be here any second now....

Then I saw him. He was so hot walking past the sakura trees, all the petals falling around him elegantly. I left the tree to follow the rest of the students to class.

I saw Kokona at her locker. I sighed. I walked past her to Saki.
"Hi, Saki!" I waved.

"Hi!" She waved back.

"Osana said you needed help. Can I help?"

"Oh!" Saki flushed. "Well... I...." She smiled nervously. "Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing... um... you see... I, uh... lost my bra...." Her blush deepened to crimson. I raised an eyebrow. What...?!

"How did you... you know what? I'm not going to ask." I threw up my hands.

"Yeah... that's best... it's somewhere around the school grounds, by a tree I think."

"I'll look for it." I nodded.

"Really?! Thanks! Your the best!" Saki grinned. I sighed inwardly.

I set to work immediately. I searched next to the school. After 20 minutes of searching, I was ready to give up. Then I saw something. A lone tree. I strided up to the tree. Behind it, was a black bra. It was like a DD. Holy crap, Saki! I hid the thing in one of my hidden pockets in my skirt.

I tapped Saki on the shoulder when I got back to the group. She looked at me, and turned back to the group. "Sorry guys, I gotta do something." She retreated to her locker where I followed her.

I showed her the bra. She quickly stuffed it in her locker. "Wow..." She breathed. I... can't believe you actually found it! Thank you so much, I'll never forget this." She returned to her group, a smile plastered in her face. I checked my watch. Time to kill Osana.

I walked over to the tree where Osana was. I looked around. No one in sight. I better do this quickly.

"What are you-?!" Osana asked nervously before I cut her off (Pun intended) by stabbing her in the neck with a box cutter. She fell down with a surprised and horrified look on her face. I watched her bleed to death before I dragged her to the disintergrater. I flipped her over my shoulder into the burner along with my weapon and my bloody clothes. I put on my clean uniform I had folded next to the burner. I activated it as I grabbed the mop. I did my best cleaning up the mess. I walked to my next class. Only a few more girls left....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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