Haven: A Stranger Magic - Chapter 13 - Episode 18

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Chapter 13 - Episode 18 

Xavier Ward stood in the shadows behind the tall maple tree, as he had for the past several nights, his intense gaze fixed on a single window of the Dalcome home. The window that belonged to the boy they called Samuel Dalcome. 

Xavier had been able to remain unseen by the Dalcome family by hiding in the shadows and staying out of sight. From all except for the Dalcome boy, that is. Samuel had seen Xavier the night before last; they had stared into one another's eyes before Xavier had evaporated, which in hindsight had been a mistake. It was a mistake because the boy was unaware of his parents' true past, and was therefore unaware of magic. Evaporating in front of the boy's eyes would not be something Sam would soon forget. 

Xavier was on a stealth mission. His orders were to observe and not interfere, unless it was absolutely necessary. If the Viper was truly here on Earth then there would be no choice but to intervene. 

The Dalcomes are not even supposed to be alive, Xavier mused. They were all supposed to have died in the Great War thirteen years ago. But they hadn't; somehow Alisa had escaped with her children. The Majesty had covered up their disappearance by sending them to Earth through one of the three portals known to exist on Haven. Portals that were said to have been destroyed ages ago. 

Xavier removed a small chocolate from a white wrapper and popped it into his mouth. He let the wrapper fall to the ground and placed his hand back on the glass pommel of his staff. His staff, Ian, which he had named after his only son, began to vibrate beneath his palm, warning Xavier that he was not alone. 

"Sneaking up on a Keeper, young lady, is never wise," he said, still chewing the piece of chocolate. Xavier's voice was gruff with a thick Irish accent. He was a tall man with sweeping broad shoulders and thin legs. He held firmly on to Ian, his hand remaining on the pommel. The staff was twisted like an old tree branch with a glass sphere at its hilt. 

"Can you still call yourself a Keeper dressed like that, Xavier?" a woman said. He could tell by the tone of her voice she found this amusing. Xavier, on the other hand, did not. Wearing the long, ridiculous coat was uncomfortable and hot. But he needed it to blend in if he was going to move around in the daytime, although people seemed to stare at him regardless. Probably it was because he was wearing a coat in this god-awful heat. At first he thought it was expectable attire, since the man he stole it from had been wearing it. But that person had also been going through discarded items on the side of the road. Looking back now, it was obvious that this human had not been the best example for Earthling attire. It had been too long since Xavier studied the history and habits of Earth. 

"I call this blending in," he replied. 

"Really, that's what you're calling it, huh?" 

"It was last minute," he replied sharply. 

"You know, you might just be getting too old, Xavier. There is no harm in admitting that," she said teasingly. 

"Really, and why is that, may I ask?" The frustration in his voice was starting to show now. 

"I've been standing here for some time, watching you as you watched him. You know, you have a serious sweet tooth." 

Xavier turned around for the first time since arriving at the Dalcomes to see Holly standing several feet away, camouflaged amongst the trees and shrubs of the yard. 

"I'm not old, dear, just experienced. I don't go wetting my pants every time I hear something go bump in the night. But it's nice of you to finally join us." Xavier said. 

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