Haven: A Stranger Magic - Chapter 7 - Episode 12

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Chapter 7 – Episode 12

Rain began to fall in earnest at about eight o’clock that night. The tiny raindrops beaded up on Sam’s bedroom window and shimmered in the moonlight before streaking down like silver ribbons onto the wooden ledge. The street light down below flickered on and off as it always did.

Sam lay on his bed with the lights off staring at the ceiling, and contemplating revenge on his stupid sister. He also thought of adding Daniel Harris to his mental list of paybacks for ruining his favorite t-shirt and leaving him with that loser of a garment he had to wear home.

Sam sat up in his bed and stared at the small puddle that was starting to form on his window sill. The lightning cracked and thunder rumbled, followed by another bright flash that streaked across the sky. It was a good thing he didn’t go to the caves, he thought. He could see himself getting trapped there with Travis until the whole storm had passed.

Sam forced himself to stand up and grab the bath towel that was draped over his desk chair. The leak from his window was now dripping onto the floor. He carefully folded the towel and placed it snugly under the edge of the window sill.

Lightning struck again. The street light below popped; sparks of electricity flew into the air like fireworks, then slowly fell to the ground.

In that moment, Sam thought he saw someone standing next to the light post. He waited, but it was too dark. His eyes were still trying to adjust from the sudden flash of light. Was it the stranger from before? He couldn’t be sure.

Suddenly, lightning flashed again and Sam saw him. The dark figure stood next to the street light in his long coat and holding his staff, looking up at Sam.

Thunder roared and it was dark once more. Sam quickly rubbed his eyes, trying hard to focus as the lightning struck again, blinding him momentarily. He searched frantically through the spots of green and blue floating in front of him, but the stranger was gone, vanished into thin air.

Then a small click echoed from behind him, and the light in his bedroom switched on. Sam whirled around to see his mother standing in his doorway.

She had her long brown hair pulled in a tight pony tail that draped across her right shoulder. Her light blue eyes were trapped behind a pair of thin reading glasses. She was wearing a light pink robe and house-shoes.

“Mom, turn off the light!” Sam whispered, worried that the stranger could see him now. Alisa Dalcome turned off the light and stood there in the doorway. Her silhouette stretched across the wooden floor.

“Shut the door, something’s out there!” Sam whispered.

“What? What on earth are you talking about?” Mrs. Dalcome asked as she closed the door to his room. The lightning flickered again. Mrs. Dalcome scuffled across the cluttered floor, trying to reach Sam.

“Mom, I swear there’s someone out there!”

“Don’t swear. You know I hate that! Now see there, you made me say hate! I don’t like that word either!” His mother could be a bit old-fashioned at times, Sam thought. Words such as swear, hate, and liar were off-limits in the Dalcome household. Mrs. Dalcome thought there were better ways, nicer ways, to get your point across.

“Why are you whispering?” she asked.

“Mom, shhhhhhh!” Sam said, trying desperately to see any sign of the man outside.

“Sam, you need to clean this room. You can’t even walk in here!” she said, not bothering at all to whisper.

Sam wasn’t listening to a word she said; the stranger was out there, he was sure of it. He may have vanished from sight but that didn’t mean he was gone.

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