Nine: Tea, Movies & Falling In Love

Start from the beginning

Jack bites his lip then says," Well...Finn's weird, too. I guess that's one of the reasons why you to got along just fine when you two first met."

Stupid Jack. Why did you say that?

Sydney just raises her eyebrows. She finally smirks," Like you aren't weird."

Jack snorts," Darling, I may be weird but not as weird as you."

"Say that as much as you want but I have prove that you, Jackson Harries, are much weirder than me."

I raise my eyebrows. I did not expect that at all from Sydney. When we first met, she made the impression that she was the kind of girl that never actually had time to laugh out loud. But when she did, she was kind

Jack bites his lips. He already knew what that "proof" was. He looks over at her then smirks and raises both his hands.  Like how a thief raises his hands when he gets caught." You got me. I surrender."

Sydney's POV

"You got me. I surrender."

I blush. How can I answer to that?

These Harries twins are just unbelievable. Their words & actions will be the death of me.

"Not so cocky now, aren't you?," I hear myself say.

Jack drops his hands. He smiles at me, just like how Finn did back at that coffee shop.

It's painful. Getting to see someone who reminds you of someone who used to think was your "only hope".

Damn, these hormones. I should really stop with this whole melancholy feeling that's taking over me.

"Isn't that what Allie said to Noah when, she like, opened his trousers and showed his whole manliness to a huge crowd?," Jack asks.

I furrow my eyebrows. What's he talking about?

"Who's Allie? Who's Noah?," I ask him.

His eyes widen as I finish my sentence.

"What? C'mon, don't tell me you haven't watched The Notebook ? ," Jack asks, his expression terrifying.

I blush. I hated this. You know that feeling when, for example, when you were in 3rd grade, and your friends start talking about something new and awesome, and you just listen to them, embarassed because you don't know anything about it. You're outdated. Well, that's what I'm feeling as Jack just stares at me, waiting for an answer.

"I-I'm planning to," I stuttered.

Jack continues to stare at me, making me uncomfortable every passing second. Finally, he smiles.

"What are you smiling at?," I ask him, confused.

"You're cute when you're nervous & uncomfortable," he says unconciously.




The credits comes up. I hear Jack sniffle a little.

I glance at him. "Oh my gosh. Are you actually crying?"

"No," Jack denies. He rubs his sleeve to his eyes. "My eyes are just simply sweating."

"Awww. I can't believe it. Jack Harries cries at cheesy, romantic movies that end sadly."

Jack rolls his eyes," Shut up." He turns back to the television then sets his eyes on me," Why aren't you crying? Aren't girls emotional when it comes to these kind of movies?"

"I think I've had enough crying in one day," I tell him, regretting it the moment I finished.

The room fills in with uncomfortable silence. Jack just sits there. He seems deep in thought, his eyebrows furrowing, his eyes staring blankly ahead.

And I can't help but just think how cute he looks.

He catches me staring. His lips curve into a smirk. "What are you looking at?"

Damn it.

"An idiot who seems to cry over sappy movies," I say nonchatantly.

Jack laughs. That adorable laugh that just reminds me of Finn. My heart clenches but I try to ignore it.

"So." Jack sits up, gathering his hands together in a prayer-like position and setting his chin on the tips of his finger. "What do you think of the movie?"

I bite my lip," plot's...somehow...interesting."

"Yeah sure, interesting," Jack says mockingly. "C'mon Sydney. Be honest. There are no wrong or right answers."

"Well, if you put it that way." I look at him and he smiles at me, his eyes reassuring. "Well, honestly, it sucks."

Jack's smile disappears," Sucks?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's realistic," I started. "Like a happily ever after with a twist, you know? Movies that end with weddings are all about happily ever afters, which are lies. I mean they are still tragedies waiting for them ahead. Like their funeral. And this movie, you'll think it ends with Allie choosing Noah and they live "happily ever after" but it doesn't, Noah & Allie face the unavoidable tragedy which is growing old and dying, which is how they ended up and how we all are going to end up."

Jack raises his eyebrows," That's-that's really something, Olivers."

I blush," I'm sorry. I have this habit of mine to just rant about meaningless things. Sorry."

"It's anything but meaningless, Sydney," Jack tells me. "What you said was"



Hello! I know I'm kind of late but Happy Christmas & Merry New Year (cause Merry Christmas & Happy New Year is too mainstream) Anyway, I was suppose to post this chapter or Christmas as a present but it was delayed because I was busy opening all the presents & going to family reunions. :) thanks for being patient though :)

sorry bout the deep cheesy thing about The Notebook. I've just finished reading "The Beginning of Everything" by Robyn Scneider and it filled with this weird evangelical seal that kind of deeply affected me. John Green readers will love it ♥ and it's a really good book so i highly recommend it ;)

i'll stop talking now



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