14 facts about me

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Well, i don't want to do this but one of my friends want me to so here it is just_some_crazy_girl hope you learn something new about me!
1. I'm not a mundane! I'm a werewolf and i'm also marked. Joking! I'm just an ordinary girl who is silly most of the time!

2. I'm very carefree (and cool). I don't care about myself, (don't take it in the wrong way but i meant beauty wise i just don't really care).
Favourite colour:- Red (Vampire) hahahaha

3. I have been called abnormal many times. Maybe i am, maybe i'm not, i don't know.
My favourite animal is a lion.

4. I love reading books. Like adventurous, mysterious, thrilling and a bit of romance stories.

5. I love martial arts. I want to be able to fight. All i know is karate and nothing else. But i want to learn everything. I want to be able to do gymnastics!

6. I have a long list of ambitions, which means i have no clue about my future, nothing is planned yet. Some of them are; detective/spy, assasin, dancer, journalist, oncologist.... Etc.

7. I don't know a lot about me myself i have to figure myself out. I don't know what my talent/talents are. But i know that i want to experience a life alone, in a foreign country.

8. I love to sing and dance.

9. I want to bungee jump befour i die. Well i had a chance to, my dad allowed me to but my idiot of a elder brother brainwashed my parents and made me not to! And he did! I'm angry! Ughrrrrrrr.

10. I want to take a big risk in my life! Not decided which one.

11. I'm crazy, mad and loud! Very loud! And i'm lot more. (Also a prankster).

12. I'm a nightmare to my cousins (especially cousin brothers), i can annoy them so much that they wish to die! Hahahaha! EVIL!

13.oh and i have two idiotic brothers. One younger, one elder and i'm the daddy's girl which means only girl!

14. Last one:- i travel around the world a lot infact i'm here just after a long trip.
Bonus point:- i can be worse than ten devils put together when i'm angry, it makes my mom scared. So beware!
Bonus point:- i'm not a big fan of myself! Don't like me much! :)


So just_some_crazy_girl here are the stupids facts i could find about myself. And there are 14 facts because I am 14! 😀
You see...... I have nothing to tell about me but if i start talking i won't stop!
Any questions??

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