Chapter 4//Coffee, Liam and alcohol

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A/N~Another shitty update to make up for the awfully long time I didn't update.😂😂
Chloe's POV
I wake up and look at my phone. It's only 6:37 in the morning. I roll over and notice that Sam isn't beside me. Tears threaten to roll down my cheeks but I blink them away. I get up and go to bathroom. I strip out of the clothes from yesterday and hop into the shower. I quickly wash my body and my hair and hop back out. I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me and walk downstairs. I notice a pillow and a blanket on the couch but Sam isn't there. I walk into the black and white kitchen and see Sam sitting on the stool. I walk past him without saying anything, I turn on the kettle and make myself coffee. Once  it's ready I walk outside into the back garden and sit down on a lounge chair. As I sip my coffee, I start playing with my wedding ring. Do you regret getting married? Shawn's words keep repeating in my head until I hear Sam walk out and sit down opposite me. Damn, things are about to get messy(😂).
"How'd you sleep?" He asks quietly. I sigh and force myself to look at him.
"Shît." I snap and pain flashes through his eyes again.
"Chloe, baby, I think we need to talk." He says.
Sam's POV
"Chloe, baby, I think we need to talk." I say and she shoots me a glare. If only looks could kill.
"No shît Sherlock!"
"Chloe, I understand that you hate me but I swear it was only once and it didn't mean anything to me. I regret it and like I said before and I'll say it again until you understand me-I will always hate myself for it. I love you and only you." I whisper and her expression softens. I hear her sigh and take another sip of her coffee.
Chloe's POV
"I don't hate you, I'm just trying my best to understand everything at the moment. I know that you're not a bad person and you would never do something intentionally to hurt me but this situation kills like a bîtch. I don't know what actually happened between you and her-" He cuts me off by opening his mouth to say something but I raise my hand making him wait until I'm finished. "Let me finish and then you can say something. We've been together for 3 years and yes we've had arguments in the past where I feel like slapping you across the face and where I don't want to see you but I never decide to meet another guy and then cheat on you, do you know why? Because I love you and I would never want to hurt you. Because I want to be loyal to you and prove to you that no matter how bad the argument is I will always love you." I finally finish and I'm surprised I'm not crying. Sam however is trying to hold his tears back.
"We didn't have sex, we just kissed and then I stopped because I realised that I was a dîck to you and left the hotel." He says and runs a hand through his hair, something he does when he's nervous. I stand up and sit on his lap, automatically he wraps his arm around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"I'm still hurt and upset and of course it'll take time for me to get over this but I do forgive you if you say that you only kissed but just because I forgive you doesn't mean I'll forget it. Please don't let it happen ever again. By the way, I know it was Gigi Hadid and I have a photo shoot with her next week so you're coming with me." I say and he smiles.
"Anything for my princess." He says. He takes a breath before speaking again. "I've been thinking-" he starts but I cut him off.
"Which never goes well." I mumble and he chuckles.
"As I said I've been thinking and maybe we should start thinking about children." He finishes off and I choke on air. Damn it Chloe, that's a great way to show your excitement! I mentally scold myself before taking a deep breath and answering.
"Are you sure that that's what you want." I ask and he grins.
"Of course baby." He smirks and lifts me up bridal style and carries me into our bedroom.
I wake up a couple of hours later and see that Sam is still sleeping. I look at my phone, the time is 12:49 in the afternoon. This morning has been eventful, I think to myself and mentally laugh. My phone vibrates telling me I have a new message. It's from Shawn, for a second i wonder how he got my number but then I remember giving it to him right before I left the beach party.
Shawn-U busy?
Me-Nope, why?
Shawn-I'm bored and ur fun to talk to.
Me-Ur a bad liar Mr Mendes..
Shawn-I know, ur actually quite rude and boring 😂
Me-Aww thanks.
Shawn-So can we meet somewhere?
Me-Sounds like a plan. Where? When?
Shawn-The park opposite Starbucks in 15 min?
Me-K boss, see u there 😅
Shawn-Bye loser 👅
Me-Go away before i get the baseball bat that's in my living room and whack you with it.
Shawn-I have a question...why is there a baseball bat in your house when you don't play baseball and neither does Sam from what I've seen and heard?
Me-Ask me an easier question 🙄Byeeeee now 😊😋
Shawn-See u soon.
I decide to wear white high waisted jeans, a hunger games crop top that says 'Tribute in training', Sam got it for me when Mockingjay part 1 came out, I slip on my highest grey heels and apply some foundation, eyeliner, mascara and dark red lipstick then I write a quick note for Sam.
"Hey loser, I've gone out for a while, be back soon. Love you boo!"
I place it on my pillow and walk downstairs. I take everything out of my clutch and put it in a Dior bag which is bigger. I grab some money, my phone, my make up bag, house keys. On my way out I grab my leather jacket and car keys. I get into my BMW and drive to the park. I turn on the radio and Often by the Weeknd comes on. I hum along to it and soon I'm parking my car. As I get out I see Shawn talking to Liam. My eyes widen and I pinch myself making sure I'm not dreaming. Liam's back!! I over to him and thankfully he sees me. I jump up to him and wrap my legs around his torso. He wraps his strong arms around me and I smile into his shoulder. Finally I jump down and he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek like he usually does.
"Hemsworth-boo is back!" I say my voice full of excitement and he laughs.
"Chloe-bear is back!He says mocking me. "I've missed my best friend but how the fûck can you run in those heels without breaking your neck?" He asks and we both laugh.
"Missed you too loser and I guess I've had practice running in heels. How do you know Shawn?" I ask and look at both of  them.
"Actually we just met and since I like his songs I started talking to him." Liam answers and I chuckle before turning to Shawn and giving him a hug.
"I'm sorry if Liam scared you with his behaviour. He becomes a fan girl when he meets different celebrities. First time he met me he squealed like a 5 year old." I say and we all laugh.
"Well children, I have to go and visit little Joshie now. Bye Chloe, bye Shawn and make sure you both text me so we can all hang out sometime." Liam says with a wink.
"Bye Liam." Shawn says and they both bro hug. Then Liam pulls me in for a huge bear hug.
"Bye Liam. Make sure you tell Josh to call me later." I say and Liam nods before walking off but turning around and running back to me.
"Can you please drive me to his house?" He asks with puppy eyes. I groan and turn to Shawn.
"How bout we all go to Josh's and have a sleepover?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows. They both laugh and agree. "So Shawn, I'll drive in front of you and you follow me since you don't have anywhere to leave your car, ok? I ask him.
"Sure." He answers and we all walk to our cars. Liam gets into the passenger seat and we all drive to Josh's house with Shawn following me. I turn on the radio and Into you by Ariana Grande comes on. I groan as Liam starts singing off key and really loudly. Soon we're both singing.
So baby come light me up and maybe I'll let you on it. A little bit dangerous but baby that's how I want it, a little less conversation and a little more touch my body cause I'm so into you into you into you.
We both burst out laughing and park by Josh's house. As we get out we're still laughing and Shawn raises his eyebrow at us.
" I could hear you guys singing all the from my car." He laughs and I run up to Josh's house and knock repeatedly until he answers.
"What the fûck Chloe? Are you trying to break my door or something?" He aka and raises an eyebrow when he sees me, Liam and Shawn burst out laughing.
"Are you all high?" Josh asks but we all just laugh even more. Once we calm down he lets us into his house.
"Josh this is Shawn. Shawn this is my loser brother Josh." I introduce them even though I'm pretty sure I didn't have to.
"I've always wanted to meet you." Shawn says as he and Josh bro hug.
"Same here man." Josh answers.
"Aye look who's back!" He says and bro hugs Liam. They both laugh and then Josh hugs me.
"Well we came here for a sleepover so be excited." I say and we all laugh again.
"I'll get the food and alcohol ready. Come and help me Shawn." Liam says and disappears into Josh's kitchen with Shawn following him. It's normal for Liam to act like this is his house as well because him and Josh are best friends and Liam has stayed over at Josh's many times so he knows where everything is.
"Where's Sam?" Josh asks.
"Probably still sleeping." I answer with a chuckle.
"So are you guys okay again?" He asks quietly so no one else apart from me hears him.
"Yeah, he said they just kissed so I forgave him." I shrug and Josh just nods.
"Come on let's go and see the mess Liam has made in my kitchen." Josh says and we both laugh.
As soon as we walk into the kitchen we see paper towels everywhere and something orange and sticky spilt on the floor. There's a fork and a spoon laying on the floor and in the middle of it all Liam is standing on a chair and Shawn is holding his legs. Both of them smile sheepishly at us and slowly Liam gets down.
"What are you guys doing?" I question.
"Well I was checking if Josh has hid the  box of party food and alcohol on top of the cupboard and Shawn was holding my legs so I don't fall." Liam answers like its nothing and I laugh. Josh always has a box full of alcohol and different snacks for when there's a party.
"Why is the kitchen messy?" Josh asks.
"We couldn't find the box we were looking for." Shawn answers. Josh disappears and seconds later walks back holding the box. Shawn and Liam groan and we all walk into the living room. We order 3 boxes of pizza and start drinking the alcohol.
A few hours later we are all more or less drunk and laughing at things that aren't even funny.
"Let's play spin the bottle!" Shawn says who is the least drunk. Liam mumbles somethings cause he is the most drunk and so is Josh and I'm kinda in the middle. My eyes widen at the suggestion because the last time I played spin the bottle I ended up in only my underwear (😂👙)
This should be fun.
Long chapter for you guys right there. I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
*pats on the back and cheers for myself*
Comment down below what you want to see in the next chapter where they play spin the bottle.
Love you all ❤️❤️

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