"Patience." Harry said trying to encourage her. "Everything takes time, Mia."

"Why do you always call me Mia?" She said, taking her mind off her failure.

"Because that's your name." Harry replied matter-of-factly and she rolled her eyes.

They exchanged roles. She attacked and Harry defended.

Her pace was slower than his and he could've gained momentum at any second if he pleased, but he didn't. Instead he just stopped her sword midway and pushed it away. He kept countering more slowly and more limply until once when she dashed and he stood still accepting the deadly strike but she stopped and threw her sword angrily on the floor, panting.

"I can smell your fear." He stated.

"You can do that?" She asked surprisingly and frustratingly at the same moment.

"Metaphorically." Harry clarified with a playful eye roll.

"I'm so bad at this." She said glancing at the sword and sinking into one of the chairs at the far end.

"No, you've lasted longer this time." Harry cheered.

"Only because you let me." She replied back with a smile.

"You're holding back, Mia. What are you afraid of?" He asked her in a tone that made the question sound so important.

"I'm not afraid of anything." She immediately responded with too much conviction, it sounded fake.

"Then, you fight like a girl." Harry said scornfully.

"Hermione Granger is a girl."

"She's a brave, smart warrior. Right now, you're being the most fragile pathetic princess in an insignificant story that I've read." He continued his twisted motivation.

"And who's that?"

"Mia Parker."

Mia was deeply offended, but it got a little easier when his face softened and he picked up her sword.

"Hit me, Mia. And then I'll nickname you." He demanded as he presented her her sword and she accepted it, getting up. Except not in the eager fighting position but in one where her shoulders sank and her sword dangled limply touching the floor.

"I don't want to hurt you or get hurt. I don't think I've mastered my force enough to be a 100% sure I don't cut you." She finally admitted and Harry would've laughed at the triviality, had she not looked so stressed.

"I'll heal wherever you hit me." He assured.

"I'm not-"

"Hit me like a I just shot David." He suggested and she went rigid.

Her face whitened in fear and the blood froze in her veins. This was no topic to joke about at all. Harry did shoot David in her dreams.

"Free fight." He informed and started with a dash straight to her face.

A free fight is a fight where they get to take both roles of offense and defense.

She reversed his strike and tried to immediately return it but his sword met hers and they kept screeching until the disengagement.

Harry boosted for the arm, she backed out of the blade's way and aimed at the abdomen. Harry then pushed her sword downwards to leg level and withing seconds he kicked it out of her grip.

Mia was already bent down from the impact but Harry kicked one of her knees and she fell, kneeling in front of him. Defeated.

She cocked her head up only to find the edge of the sword aimed at the gap between her eyes, but Harry immediately withdrew it and offered her his hand.

She took it and he helped her up.

"What was that?" She asked an excited smiled forming on her lips.

"Physical interference. Next time's main lesson, Mia." He said smiling, dangling his arm on her shoulder as they walked out.


Harry arrived Mia home, his driving became much smoother in a matter of days.

David wasn't so welcoming he told Mia he was going to rest because he's been driving for over 2 hours and he needed to lie down. Mia barely listened though, she gave Harry her full attention, but the latter dismissed himself.

Harry's hangout with Mia got him distracted from his worries about the Keepers. But not for long, at the moment he was hesitant to go. So he headed for Liam to make sure he hadn't received any news.

So, there he was strolling in the Wolverhampton woods, the walk seemingly endless, when he caught a bump in the way from the corner of his eyes.

First he thought it was a bear or an animal of some sort, but as he gave it a better look, it turned out to be a human. Stabbed in the heart and tangled in the trees, left to decay. As Harry stepped forward, he recognised the victim and his hand covered his mouth in both shock and disgust.

Jake. Jake Monroe had been murdered.



Raise your hand if you're sad for what happened to poor Jake. I'm sad for that guy too.

I need a small favour, if you happen to have the time to read this short cute story called "Lurk" by AdoreDrew i'll be flattered. Thanks.

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