The perks of being a wallflower 2

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August 6, 1992

Dear Friend,

It's now been 3 1/2 months since I've written to you. I'd like you to know that this past summer has been fun, Patrick's had multiple visits since last time. I still miss him tho, he's told me about Sam and how she's doing every time he comes. I really miss Sam too, we talk on the phone every night. She's doing really well in school; speaking of school mine starts tomorrow and i'm afraid of what people will say to me. You see 5 months ago I was 'hospitalized' till 3months ago for attempting suicide, it was a very hard time. But I'm here and I feel fine I'm not seeing things, I'm fine. My mom is still having a rough time tho, when she found out what my aunt did to me... she could never get over it. As for my dad he's still him, now for me. As I said I'm fine but I'm just hoping walking into school this year I won't break down.

Love always,


August 8, 1992

Dear friend,

The fist day of school was like any other. No friends, nothing to do. But I still have great classes, I did make some new friends the second day of school. There names are Fala, George, and Franklin, Fala is short for Falsara her parents love unique names. Fala's cool, she loves art she's such a good drawer. Then there's George, he's dorky but who's to say we all aren't? An finally there's Franklin, he's quiet till you get him drunk then man he's funny. Kind of like me when I'm high.

Love always,


August 11, 1992

Dear friend,

The past couple of days have been fun. Fala's drawing me so I can send the picture to Sam, speaking of Sam her birthday's coming up and I kept going back in forth of what to get her. Then Fala came up with the idea to draw me and send it to her. Sam thinks its great that I have new friends, she says its easier not to break down with friends. My sister has been coming home a lot lately, she says its because she missis me but I know it's because she's worried i'll break down.

Love always,


August 13,1992

Dear friend,

Sam's coming home in a week to see me and her parents, I'm nervous. I mean what if she doesn't love anymore? But most of all what she thinks of my friends, will she be jealous? Nah, Sam's never been the jealous type. Any way things have been well, Franklin and I have a lot in common. He loves all the music that I do, plus he's been through the same traumatic stuff i've been through.

Love always,


August 19, 1992

Dear friend,

Sam's flight lands in an hour and if going with her parents to the air port. I don't really talk to them much, so it's normally awkward between all of us. Mostly because I'm just anti-scoial, but also that I have a feeling they don't like me. I don't know? Maybe yes, maybe no. Just wish me luck!

Love always,


August 22, 1992

Dear friend,

Sams been here for a couple of days and it so nice. She's getting along with my friends quite well, especially Franklin. Sam has been all over me though witch i love, mostly when I'm in front of my friends. I know it sounds selfish and 'popular' but you know. I haven't seen things or had a breakdown yet so that's a plus.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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