Not so sweet 19

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" Christina " yes Lexi " " start a family meeting I have really big news to tell everyone " " if it's about Starbucks forget it" " it's not about Starbucks" "ok then EVERYONE FAMILY MEETING"
Everyone came down and sat down
" ok Lexi what do you have to say" well ma and Brandon have really thought this through and we really want this but we want to buy a house to raise or family in and I don't want you guys to come with me. I want to Brandon a dog cause he has been talking about getting a dog.with me" "what are you going to name the dog" said Jayden " suggestions " " ooh "
"What Angelina " here I'll put up a list and every time we have a name we write it on the list and I want a boy."
.big bird
     Lexi thought about her decision and knew it was the one. She picked Diesel. She told all of the girls and they all loved that name. So Lexi went out to get the dog. When she came back Brandon was calling. Lexi:Hey Brandon! Brandon:Hey Lexi pack your bags I'm on my way. Lexi:WEEK I can't wait! OK bye see you soon!
     As Lexi was packing ng g her bags Jaden rolled in and said,"Lexi I'm really gonna miss you when you move. I love you so much. Ever since I got this wheelchair you were there to support me. I just really wish we could spend our lives together. Well I guess you have to go now." Lexi's heart warmed right up when Jaden said that. Then Lexi started to think.
     Ten minutes later Brandon arrived. He rang the door bell and Angelina answered it and told him to come in. Lexi said,"Brandon can I talk to you." when they got in the other room she said,"I want Jaden to come with us. Earlier she said some words that warmed up my heart. Can she please stay with us!" Brandon liked the idea and said yes.
     When they left the girls were crying. But they all had to suck it up. Meanwhile when Lexi, Brandon and Jaden got to the house Lexi went to explore. Then finally,"OMG THERE IS A WALK IN CLOSET!!!!!!!! Or in Jaden's case a roll in closet." they all unpacked and got comfy. When they all unpacked they got their pajamas on and went on the couch and watched Netflix.
Then they all went to sleep. In the morning Jaden made pancakes for them. But then Brandon remembered that weekend was the game show he asked Lexi to. So he reminded Lexi and Lexi told Jaden that she would be alone for Saturday.
      When Lexi woke up on Saturday morning she was so happy. Mostly because she was going to be on TV. So she woke up Brandon and they both got dressed and ate. After they ate they left. When they got there they had to get into their seats.
     The host said,"OK is everyone ready to play DO YOU KNOW HER?" first the host had to ask Brandon a question he said,"Brandon do you you know Lexi's favorite type of car?" Brandon guessed correctly. He said Nissan.
      When they got home they were both very tired. So they ate a sandwich and went to sleep. In the morning it was Lexi's birthday. They both said,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEXI!" but when she tried to make breakfast it didn't then put too well. The kitchen was a disaster and her French toast didn't cook. They all didn't eat.
       Jaden decided to go to the mall. Lexi came with her. When they went into Lexi's favorite shop, she fell on the shelf and broke everything on it. So Jaden sat her on a bench and said," Lexi stay here." so Lexi stayed there and Jaden went to go shopping. When she was done she picked up Lexi and left.
       As soon as they got home Brandon said," why were you girls out so long?" Lexi told him it was all Jaden's fault for taking forever. in the night it was really dark out and Lexi ne we see you go to sleep. But when she was walking up the stairs she fell and hit her head on the stairs. In the morning she was not cursed for the rest of the year.
TO BE CONTINUED................
Written by: @ilovepandas8888 and

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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