Wanting more?

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*Justin's P.O.V*

Its been a few weeks and I have been craving (y/n) so much, not hungerly, but sexually. I don't think she's ready and I still need surgery, she won't like having sexual inter course with female parts. (I'm so sorry Justin)

I just need to do something, I need to know if she's ready and how I can change without surgery. Surgery cost a lot of money and my hormones don't need to be complete by spending a whole bunch of money for one good night.

I need to see that doctor again, see if he has anything or I can call Bailly and see if she can do anything.

"Baby, I'm gotta go somewhere real quick. I'll be right back" she looked up at me and nodded "don't be out to late, I'll get worried"

I nod and kiss her lips, she hugs me and I head out.

It takes about 30 minutes to get to the hospital, I rush in and ask if I could see him. She says no and that I have to fill out a form. "Ugh" I say as I sit down in seat, then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I look up to see the doctor standing there, "What's up Justin, what you needing?" I ask if we can go somewhere private, he nods and leads me back.

Once we reach the room, I sit down in the chair close to the door. I start to explain what I've been going through and what the problem is with my body, he then says "let me call a special nurse to come and fix your problem." He smiles and walks out.

5 minutes later, Bailly walks in with a book and clip board. I tell her that I want to change my gender so I wouldn't have to get surgery. She nods and opens her book, she says her little spell and makes me drink this awful stuff.

I soon see my chest go down and a male part grow in my pants, I smile and take off my binder. I felt good, better than ever.

I thank her and leave the hospital, once I get home. I tell everyone what happened and that I don't need to get surgery, my mom brings a huge bundle of money out and sets it down on the table.

"Mom, what's that for?" I asked, very confused

"Its the money I was saving for your surgery, but know you can have it to start your life" I smile and hug her.

I ask her if I can take me and (y/n) to a motel for the night, she nods and smirks.

I head up to the room and tell (y/n) what we will be doing tonight and she was fine with it, so we pack up some clothes and stuff and head out. We say bye to everyone and left, while in the car. I put my hand on her upper thigh and squeezed slightly, she looked at me and bit her lip while blushing.

We arrive at the motel and check in, we go into the room and set our stuff down. It was about 9:30 at night and we were super bored so we decided to go swimming, she got changed in the bathroom and came out with this on.

 It was about 9:30 at night and we were super bored so we decided to go swimming, she got changed in the bathroom and came out with this on

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I was staring and probably druling at this point, and my problem with sexual tension isn't helping. Soon I feel that I have a problem in my pants, luckily the waters cold.

We walk out and set our stuff down, I pick (y/n) up and over my shoulder and walk over to the pool. I slowly step in and once I was knee deep, I let her down and she falls in. She comes back up and splashes, she starts swimming off and chase after her.

We were out there for about an hour and the time was 10pm, so we head in. She changes in the bathroom again, I sit and wait on the bed.

She comes back out with a long pink shirt on with white knee high socks, I was staring once again.

She comes back out with a long pink shirt on with white knee high socks, I was staring once again

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Soon enough, she was straddling me and kissing me. Simple kisses turn into a messy make out session, I flip up and one of my hand were holding her hip and the other hand on her neck. I move to her neck and hear a slight moan leave her lips as I was leaving a huge hickey on her neck, wonder how she's gonna hide that later. I felt her start to unbutton my flannel and I pull out the kiss.

"You are sure about this? Are you ready?"

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