Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Bethany moved in closer and Emma couldn't do a thing but stand there and watch while seething inside. "You know, Liam, I'm sure you must be getting tired of what little that woman has to offer—especially now that she'll soon be fat with your child.... While I'd rather have you all to myself, I'm more than willing to be your mistress. I think you'd treat a mistress really well."

Liam opened his mouth to speak but before he could, Bethany reached out and her hand brushed against the front of his trousers. Liam leapt back so quickly, he spilled the lemonade he'd just poured. His jaw dropped and it was obvious he had no idea what to say.

Emma, however, saw red. She was tired. Tired of being bullied, pushed around and disrespected. All logic and common sense fled from her mind.

She squared her shoulders and tapped Bethany on the shoulder. "Bethany?"

The beautiful, whore of a woman, turned sharply and glared at Emma. "What?" she snapped.

Emma met her gaze full force, refusing to back down. "Get your big ass back to the brothel." Balling up her fist, Emma swung and caught Bethany hard in the jaw.

The woman's head snapped back and she crumpled to the floor without so much as a whimper.

Emma stared down in shock, not quite believing what she'd just done. She wasn't a violent person... she hated violence. But she'd just knocked that woman out cold.

Liam stepped over Bethany and pulled Emma aside. "What was that?" he asked, examining the red, sore knuckles of her hand.

Emma felt the need to defend herself. "She needed to learn her place... and it sure wasn't putting her hand on my husband's.....area."

Liam's lips twitched. "My area?"

"Hush," Emma scolded.

"That was quite a show," Kyle said, stepping over with Chase on his heels.

"I believe the evil witch is down for the count," Chase stated, poking Bethany with her foot. The woman moaned but had no other reaction.

"That was a good punch," Lauren praised.

"I thought I was the only woman could throw a punch like that," Cassandra agreed.

"Kyle, could you be a dear and take the girl outside?" Anita asked, fanning her face. "The rest of us are going to go have a seat for a while. I believe Emma might need some time to cool down."

Emma was nibbling her lip as she followed after Anita to a long table covered with white linen. Everyone took a seat and Emma caught Anita's attention. "I know I shouldn't have done that... are you angry at me?"

Anita waved her hand and laughed lightly. "Of course not! I've been wondering why you didn't do it sooner!"

"Me too," Ben agreed.

Emma's eyes widened. "Ben! You're supposed to be a preacher and guide us away from violence."

Ben shrugged. "Some people simply don't get the message until you've swung a right hook at their jaw."

Cassandra was starry eyed as she gazed at her husband. "You really are perfect," she stated which made his flush bright red and tip his head to avoid everyone's gaze.

Kyle and Chase joined them soon after and the friends laughed and talked for a long while. Emma forgot about Bethany and began to once again have more fun than she'd ever truly had in her life. Being carefree and completely at ease hadn't been a luxury she'd experienced much in her life.

The evening was winding down and everyone was beginning to show signs of fatigue, when suddenly Patrick came walking into the building.

Emma had only seen glimpses of him at the outskirts of the wedding. The man had kept his distance and she knew it was because of Anita.

He approached the table and Liam stood. "I know you've already been married awhile but, congratulations son, you go you a good wife."

Liam nodded, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Thank you, Patrick. And thanks for being there today."

Patrick shifted his feet and rubbed at his shoulder. "I told you I'd be around from here on."

Emma nearly laughed, but stifled the sound behind her hand. It was hard to tell who appeared more awkward by the polite exchange. It was clear neither man was very good at public displays of affection.

Patrick stuck his hand out and Liam shook it quickly. Then Patrick bent low behind Emma and pressed a tender kiss to her hair. "You look mighty pretty today, Emma."

It was Emma's turn to blush. "Thank you, Patrick."

She glanced across the table at Anita who was watching the exchange with a very guarded expression. Patrick walked around the table and pulled off his hat as he came to stand in front of her. "Miss Anita? Would you do me the honor a dance?"

Silence fell.

Shock filled the air.

Emma wondered if Patrick was going to die—surely Anita would murder him.

But the woman shocked them all when she smiled warmly, took his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. "I suppose I can handle one last dance before I turn in."

"Did we just witness the end of the world?" Chase mumbled.

"It was Armageddon," Lauren stated.

"Was it the rapture, Ben?" Cassandra asked her husband.

Ben chuckled. "I don't believe so."

Emma glanced at her husband who was watching Anita and Patrick with a comically bewildered expression. She stifled a yawn and his attention quickly turned to her.

"You look wore out, Emma."

"Thanks," she muttered.

He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. "I'm going to get her home."

They said their goodbyes to everyone at the table and left the party.

Emma's eyes and body felt heavier and heavier by the moment. She truly was exhausted after such a busy day. Liam led her to the livery but instead of riding Colt, she climbed up on Honey with Liam and curled up against him.

"Go to sleep, love," he whispered as they left town. "I know the way home."

Emma let the gentle rhythm of the horse and the steady beat of Liam's heart, lull her to a peaceful sleep. She was warm, contented and safe....

Until a gunshot blasted through the night air, shattering her peace and spraying blood across her cheek. 

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