"What are you guys doing here." I asked pulling Arsen down to the bench with me.

"This one right here wouldn't leave me alone. He wanted to talk to someone here." Arsen said nodding towards Matthew.

Understanding what Arsen was saying, I pulled him up from the bench with me. Arsen grabbed my bags from my hands and stood next to me.

"I'm starving so we're going to head to the food court. Meet us there when you guys finish talking." I said, looking towards Macy.

She gave a nod and we went on our way.

"So what do you want to eat?" Arsen asked as we walked towards the food court.

"I really feel like some Chipotle. What about you." I replied.

"Chipotle sounds good." He said before intertwining our fingers.

We made our way to the line in Chipotle and ordered. We had just sat down with our food when a loud screech caught out attention.

A red head with long legs made her way towards our table with the biggest smile on her face.

"Arsen! Baby! I missed you!" The red head screamed, putting her hands on Arsen's arm.

I raised and eyebrow at her, but secretly my blood was boiling. Obviously they knew each other and from the look of it they weren't only freinds."

"Rebecca." Arsen said before looking towards me. I looked away from his gaze and took a bite of my food, but my appetite was already gone.

Who was this girl to Arsen? And why wasn't he telling her to leave?

It was quiet before Rebecca opened her mouth.

"Arsen baby, I had so much fun that night. Call me again, so we could have a repeat." Rebecca said before sliding her number on a paper towards him.

I just stared down at the paper. So they did know each other. One of the girls who he's done it with. I shouldn't be mad or jealous. It was before he met me, but it still hurt so much to know he's been with someone else. I had a boyfriend before but I had never done anything more than kiss with him. I was saving myself for my mate but obviously Arsen didn't care about that.

Before Arsen could say anything Macy and Matthew joined us at our table with their food. From the looks of it they had made up and were on good terms. For the time left there eating, I stayed quiet. Arsen had asked me some questions but I had only shrugged my shoulder or gave short one worded answers. Macy asked if I was okay and I simply nodded at her, not wanting to say the real reason.

After we all finished, I took some of my bags from Arsen and began walking out towards the parking lot, without waiting for him. I walked towards the car Macy and I came in and waited for her to come out. Not long after, the three of them made it to the car and stood there.

"Grace you're riding with me." Arsen said pulling out his keys from his pocket.

"I'd rather ride with Macy, no thanks." I replied glaring at him.

He looked taken aback for a second before he walked towards me. "You're riding with me Grace. You can come willingly or we can go the hard way." Arsen said staring at me.

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