Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey, Bama," Alex said with a smile as he strode over, patting Alabama's head before taking his place at the empty seat next to her.

"Oh, you two know each other?" Valentina asked, looking between Alabama and Alex.

"Um, yeah, we're-"

"Alabama visits the club often," Alex cut Alabama off, taking a sip of his water. "Her friend is quite the drinker. But she pays good."

Alabama could feel the heat rising in her cheeks and a headache beginning behind her eyelids. Everything began clicking in her head. Never seeing any of Alex's family members, or how he left the room when his dad called, most of all, who she'd always been reminded of when looking between Alex and Will. Alabama slowly looked up and moved her eyes between the brothers. They were so similar, with stubble and the same bright eyes and straight teeth, though Alex's hair was just a shade lighter and his face thinner.

"Ms. Walters, I didn't know you went to strip clubs frequently." Mr. Rowell said before taking a sip of his wine, the mood in the room automatically shifting.

"Oh, no, sir. I'm the designated for my friends," Alabama said quickly. "A couple of my girlfriends aren't the most responsible under the influence so I just go to make sure they get home safely. Free Pepsi."

"Yep. She only goes for the Pepsi," Alex said, shooting Alabama a wink and making her cheeks turn fifty shades of red.

"So, anyways. How are you, Alexander. We don't hear from you much anymore." Valentina asked before continuing her meal, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm terrific. Making some good money. I have a girlfriend. Thinking of buying a cat." Alex shrugged and served himself some pasta.

"Of course you're making good money," Will said under his breath, staring at his phone.

"So...?" Alex started slowly, putting down his fork. "What's your point."

"You're a stripper."

"Point not made."

"You work the dirtiest job that the rest of us actual men don't want to work and get AIDS and shitty girls that give you crabs while men who actually work get the good wife and the nice house." Will said snakily, not making eye contact with his brother during his rant.

"Actually. I have a very beautiful, nice girls and-"

"I'm going to run to the restroom. Excuse me." Alabama said with a smile, cutting off Alex, as she stood from her chair and sent Mr. Rowell and his wife a smile before heading off in a fast walk. It only took her three minutes to realize that she really had no idea where the bathroom was.

With a huff, Alabama sat down against the wall in one of the many hallways and stared at the opposite wall, her eyes following the details of the wallpapers and soon fell to the picture frames that covered the walls. She stood and followed the pictures, seeing ones of both Will and Alex growing up. Now that she knew they were siblings, the similarities kept hitting her. When they were younger, there was an obvious and Alabama guessed there was a three or four year age difference. The Rowell parents were in few of the pictures, Victoria more prominent than her husband, but instead there was a red-headed woman who was in most of the pictures with the boys. She seemed pretty young in the pictures, maybe in her early twenties when the boys were in their teens.

"Having trouble finding the bathroom?" Alabama huffed and crossed her arms, turning her head away from Alex and his condescending tone. "Come on, Bam. You have to talk to me."

"I don't have to do anything, liar," Alabama snapped at him over her shoulder, continuing her path down the hallway.

"What did I lie about. Tell me." Alex said, grabbing Alabama's shoulder to stop her, but not turning her around.

"I-you. You're family." Alabama stuttered, realizing that she was falsely accusing him.

"I didn't lie, Bam. I just didn't tell you anything about my family. And you never asked."

With a huff, Alabama turned around and looked down at the floor. "Well, now I feel like an ass for never asking about your family."

Alex let out a laugh and placed a kiss on Alabama's forehead, running his fingers behind her ear and through her hair. "Don't feel like an ass. I wouldn't have answered anyways. Now let's head back, mom's serving desert."

"Alright, and hey. Who's that red-headed lady in the pictures. Is she your adoptive sister or something?" Alabama asked as she gripped Alex's hand and they made their way back down the hallway.

"Oh, um. She was our nanny when we were younger."

"You had a nanny when you were sixteen?" Alabama said with a laugh, looking up at Alex who's expression seemed as hard as stone.

"Yeah. Mom and dad didn't really trust Will and I alone, especially not when Will went off to boarding school and left me all by myself."

"Oh, so you're the younger one?"

"Only if you're not into older men." Alex said with a laugh. "But yeah, I'm three years younger."

"Awe," Alabama reached up and pinched his cheek, "wook at the wittle baby." She cooed.

"Oh, shut up you ass. You're only a few months older, really." Alex smiled and pressed his lips to the top of her head before releasing her hand before they descended the stairs and back into the dining room.

On the plates were dishes of chocolate moose and it seemed that the rest of the Rowell's had already eaten theirs.

"Did you find the restroom alright, Allie?" Valentina asked with a smile as she continued to pick at her moose.

"Yes. Took me a while though. Your home is huge?" She said with a smile, picking up her spoon.

"Coincidence you and Alexander came back at exactly the same time," Will said while he was sending a text message.

"I'm surprised you noticed that from behind your phone, maybe you should have a conversation with your mother." Will looked up from over his phone before slowly slipping it into his pocket. Alabama swore she could see Mr. Rowell smile out of the corner of her eyes.

The time passed with regular chit-chat before it was time for Alabama to leave, and Alex offered to take one of the cars to drive her home.

"It was so nice to see you, darling," Valentina said with a smile before embracing her son and then turned to Alabama, "and I'm so happy I finally got to have a long conversation with you, Allie." Valentina hugged Alabama tightly, and she returned with just as tight a squeeze.

"Mom, be careful," Alex said with a laugh, "you might just crush her lungs."

"Sorry, honey. I just feel like I almost have a daughter now." Valentina said as she pulled away.

"Whoa there, Mrs. Rowell, I haven't even come to Christmas or beat you at Scrabble yet. I'm barely a cousin."

"Oh, shush. We'll bake cookies together on your vacation." Valentina gave them both one last quick hug before heading back to the kitchen.

Mr. Rowell gave Alex a pat on the shoulder before turning and smiling at Alabama. "Remember my offer. And have a good night. And Alexander, even a scratch and you'll be paying for it your whole life."

"What was the deal?" Alex asked as he closed the front door, walking out with Alabama to the car that was already parked.

"Nothing you need to worry about."

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