Batman landed on the floor below the heavily guarded penthouse, seeing the place above through his sonar lenses. He counted the men and noted the artillery, and worked his way to the room directly below the boss's room. A couple thugs walking around, a few sitting at the bar with a huge dog chained to it. The detective turned on the listening gadget Fox had fixed in the cowl's decorative ears.

"The speed at which the toxin overtakes the animal's systems is something to behold, Mr. Daggett." said the voice with the light blue aura, walking towards the dog with a syringe. "Even with a species this large, the change is almost instant." The rabid growls that followed proved the point.

Roland Daggett, his pulsating red aura calmed a bit, walked closer as the dog's adrenaline shot through the sky.

"Careful sir," Milo pulled Daggett back to a safe distance, "one little scratch and the toxin will go through you with the same virulence."

"Good work, Milo. Speed is of the essence. Can't let the Batman get here too soon." The millionaire said as his figure moved to the door, and the detective below saw the trace of another man racing towards the door.

Just before Daggett's hand touched the knob, the door burst open as someone came running in, exhausted, angry, and scared.

"Boss! Catwoman's broke 'to the lab!" The newcomer announced and the other criminals for hire ran down without orders.

Batman scowled in frustration when the man took the name of his recent partner, and quickly put a plan in action. As the thugs ran down the stairs, he tossed a grenade into the hallway and pressed the button at the bottom of his boot, attracting wild bats to the already chaotic scene.

"It's the Batman!" Milo shouted as a stray bat bird flew in.

While the gunfire and shouting coming from outside the room, the men inside were distracted waiting for the vigilante at the door when he came crashing up through the floor. It took the crew a couple seconds to redirect, but the Batman was ready for them. He ducked from the bullets as he broke their backs, and used a couple of them as human shields when the infected dog was set loose on him.

He saw Daggett try to make an escape from the chaos and went after, but before he could get to him, the detective was intercepted by the drug lord, who sprayed a chemical at him. The Batman was able to get a few blows in, but not before the effects of the drug set in, and he was apprehended with less difficulty.

As his vision corrected, he opened his eyes to Milo standing in front of him with a smile of his face.

"Well looky what the cat dragged in, I suppose."

"What did you do to me?!" He growled deeper than he intended.

In the pause Milo took to answer, Lucius Fox's voice came through his earpiece, telling he was already working on it.

"Relax!" the chemist said in a cool tone that wasn't afforded to most criminals. But then again, most criminals hadn't been able to catch him in a good mood, let alone be able to apprehend him.

"It's not the drug the doggy got. Your mind's still intact, least till I'm done with it." He grabbed Batman by the jaw, but the detective jerked free.

"Antsy Batsy!" Milo joked to the amusement of his audience. "Now, your visit to Mr. Daggett's abode tells me you're not exactly sure of the situation. Well let me tell you, all this couldn't have been possible without your help detective. See when you got in our way at the museum, we had to find a detour. And the grand resort we've arrived at, thanks to you, is SO much better than our original schematics." The nasal voiced man raised a glass to the Batman when he got to the bar.

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