At first he responded and kissed you back, his hands resting on your thighs, but all of a sudden he pulled back, pushing you away. You immediately searched his eyes, gripping his chin so that you could examine them properly. He looked so tired and worn out, almost in despair. The glowing eyes that were always full of life and happiness looked dark and crowded over, his hair was disheveled and messy, his skin still glistening from sweat and dirt from the maze.

"Please.." He whispered, his sad, sorrow filled eyes burrowing into yours. 

After a few minutes of silence and you both staring each other down, you sighed and got up. You hesitantly stood next to him, debating whether to do something. You leaned forward quickly and kissed his forehead before leaving, closing the door quietly behind you.

You tried to shake the tears away as they built up in your eyes, you felt one trickle down your cheek. A quiet sob escaped your lips, and you sank down to the floor, your back leaning against the door to the map room as you cried into your hands.

Needless to say, Minho could've spent all night looking for the way out.

If only there was one.


You woke up, expecting the usual sight of Minho's arm wrapped tightly around your waist to keep you warm, but he was gone. You jumped at the sight of Newt sat next to your hammock. He gave you a sad smile when he noticed you stirring.

"Morning, love."

You blinked at him for a moment, looking around the glade. Everything was as normal. Then you turned back and looked down at your hammock, and then towards the map room. That's funny.. You thought, I don't remember getting into my hammock..

"Gally carried you, said he found you in a mess outside the map room and brought you back here." Explained Newt, as if he had just read your thoughts. Your eyes widened slightly.

"He didn't.. Do anything?" You tried, your tongue growing dry.

Newt shook his head dismissively. "Of course he didn't. That shank knows where he stands, I made sure of it."

You nodded instead of responding with words and sighed.

"What happened..?" He whispered, his voice cracking at the end.

So you explained almost everything that happened, leaving out the detail - it wasn't a long story anyway.

".. And he just pushed me away like he didn't even-" a sob escaped your lips and you mentally cursed yourself for crying in front of Newt. I'm not weak. I'm not weak.

"I know you're not weak, Y/N." Newt pulled you into a hug.

I mustn't have said that in my head. You hugged him back tightly, letting out a shaky sigh.

"You didn't say that in your head either." He chuckled and you laughed slightly squeezing him a little before releasing him. You smiled at him, seeing as though you'd swallowed down your tears.

After a few moments of silence, Newt spoke. "Something does seem off with him.." He winced slightly before continuing, "I'll talk to him when he gets back tonight."

You nodded as a thank you and returned to curling up in Minho's hammock, burying your face into the soft fabric that smelt amazing, trying not to think too much. Newt remained sat next to you for a little while longer.

"Thanks for getting Ki-Tae to talk to me." You found yourself biting the inside of your cheeks to try and stop yourself from smiling. "He's a really nice guy."

You smiled and turned your head to face him. "Don't mention it. He needed someone other than boring old me anyway." You laughed and he chuckled slightly, before standing up and rubbing your shoulder with his hand.

"I'm sure it'll all be okay." With that he turned and walked to get breakfast, leaving you clinging onto every last word he said, trying not to doubt he was right.


As I said thank you for all the feedback! I really appreciated it, I wouldn't have gotten the idea I did if you guys hadn't said anything.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I've tried to make my fanfiction different to other people's (I don't want to sound like I'm putting other people down because I'm not), it's just I've read so many Minho/TMR fanfictions and a lot of them have very similar ideas or plot lines to them. I'm not saying mine is completely different or any better, because I do also have similar things to other fanfics but I guess I want mine to stand out?

One fanfiction I read, the female main character could control the grievers - that's the reason I remember it, it's different to anything I've read before. And so with that reasoning, that's why I introduced Ki-Tae, why I don't want the female main character to stroll into the maze like a badass and be the best at everything and better than everyone else in the glade and run faster than Minho and kill all the grievers and be absolutely perfect because I want this to be somewhat realistic and relatable!

I'm obviously exaggerating a little bit here but I just don't want this to just be another cliché story where we all live happily ever after, because sh*t happens.

Anyways enough of my rant, we are on 8.3K! I absolutely love opening up Wattpad and seeing a load of notifications of people commenting and voting, it makes me so happy :)

Excuse me inserting the titles of TøP songs into the story but it just seemed cool and I'm gonna try and do as many as possible as a challenge for myself xD

I love all of you!

I hope I didn't offend anyone, as I said I'm not saying mine is totally different and brand new - I'm just saying that I don't think this will be your typical fanfiction. (Hopefully)

Approximately 87% edited.

Next update: a week maybe? Who knows



A Runners Girl (The Maze Runner Minho fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن