What is Rhyme?

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This was a piece I wrote at the beginning of my years at college.  It is a playful poem that discusses rhyming and hidden meanings within poems.  Enjoy!

I hate it when people rhyme

So I have chosen to take time

To list the things that bother me

When people rhyme unendingly.

I despise when they go about

With words, words, words forever

As if we all have strengthened doubt

Of their mind and thoughts; so clever.

The hidden meanings go lie down

With their lovers, the writers,

Yet cheat on them-the silly clowns-

With the analysts-annoying blighters.

I sit and stare at them for hours

Thinking, moaning, groaning, sighing,

“End it before my mind sours,

Before the body begins declining!"

Let me administer the aids to it

Like words of love from mom and all that shit.

A Collection of Thoughts and TechniquesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz