Chapter 10: Frienemies

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(Ember wakes up, Spike still asleep. Ember grabs a towel and starts the shower, Spike gets up to got he bathroom while ember is undressing.)

Spike- Ember?

Ember- Get out! I'm undressed.

Spike- Oh, bloody hell! (Slams the door) I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to walk-in on you.

Ember- (Talking through the door) It's okay, just get ready for school while I take my shower.

Spike- Okay, I'll wait in the living room for breakfast. (Hits his forehead thinking "moron")

Ember-(Ember finishes her shower and gets dressed. She comes out to the living room and spike is sitting there with his hands over his face.) Alright.

Ember- You don't have to hide anymore Spike.

Spike- I wasn't hiding, I'm embarrassed. I'm so sorry, I am so bloody sorry.

Ember- It's okay. My sister's fiance did before so, it's cool.

Spike- So, what time is school? (Ember looks at her watch and it's 7:45 school starts at 8:00)

Ember- In fifteen minutes, so eat your breakfast quickly.

Spike- Um... Breakfast is still at the store love.

Ember- Nuts. Well you'll have to wait till lunch when we can pick it up.

Spike- I need to eat now or I'll be the most annoying person today. (Ember runs to the bathroom ans spike follows her and doesn't know what she's up too.) Ember, what are you doing?

Ember- Ow! Be out in a minute. (She comes out with a small cup of blood.) Here's your breakfast. Drink up.

Spike- Is that your blood?

Ember- Where else do you think it came from? The blood fairy.

Spike- Well you don't have to be so cranky. (He takes the blood and shoots it down) There, happy?

Ember- Yes, sort of. No more blood from me understand, William.

Spike- We made a deal that you would call me Spike at school.

Ember- I know, I was just kidding.

Spike- Alright, let's go. (Spike heads out the door and starts to smoke.) Bloody hell!

Ember- You forgot your ring didn't you?

Spike- No...maybe...yes....(He puts on the ring from on the counter and steps out the door)

Ember- That's something you can't forget. Ever, okay.
Spike- I know I should remember that but I don't okay.

Ember- I'll just have to remind you then. So, you ready for your first day as a high school student?

Spike- As ready as I am to get a red hot poker in my side. (Ember looks at spike thinking "what?") No, not really.

Ember- Okay, mister hot poke-butt.

Spike- Very funny pet.

Ember- Just, get in the car Spike. (Ember is driving and Spike is staring at her oddly.) What?

Spike- Your glowing.

Ember- Only because I'm happy and excited about you coming to school with me.

Spike- (Girl voice) Yeah!

Ember- Shut up. You have no right to make fun of me because I'm happy.

Spike- Why are you so happy? (Realization) Your unpopular, I knew it.

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